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Puttnam Scholarship Programme

At a glance

  • Value: €1,000
  • You must be either a registered UCC student on an undergraduate/level 8 programme (final year) or postgraduate programme to be eligible for this scholarship
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to Dr. Ciara Chambers at


The Puttnam Scholars programme offers six students the opportunity to work with Lord David Puttnam, Oscar winning producer of films including Chariots of Fire, The MissionThe Killing Fields and Midnight Express, former Digital Champion (appointed by Irish Government) and entrepreneur in the creative industries. This prestigious scholarship programme offers unique mentoring opportunities for students and represents a new model of industry/sector mentorship. 

Eligible students must be either a registered UCC student, on an undergraduate/level 8 programme (final year) or postgraduate programme at University College Cork. 

Eligibility to apply 

The scholarship is open to all undergraduate/level 8 programme (final year) or postgraduate programme students from all disciplines in University College Cork.

The selected students will become Puttnam Scholars for a period of one academic year.  

During the year, the Puttnam Scholars will work together on a team project and will be required to attend a series of 6 video conference mentoring and coaching sessions with Lord Puttnam. 

Puttnam Scholars will jointly produce a short film which they will screen as part of a presentation to Lord Puttnam and invited guests at the end of the academic year. 

Students awarded a Puttnam Scholarship will receive a monetary award of €1000 on completion of the short film which will be done within the academic year. 

Students withdrawing from, suspending or repeating their studies, due to illness, bereavement or other exceptional circumstances will be dealt with on a case by case basis. 

Application Form

 For more information visit





Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
