The SENSITISE online curriculum will incorporate novel content from experts in the domain, will emphasise the need to think more inclusively and will be complemented by innovative learning methods to help participants develop transferable skills and reasoning.
The course is being developed for undergraduate biomedical and health professions students. It requires a minimum understanding of clinical trial design. If the learner does not possess this knowledge, a short prerequisite lesson will be made available.
Online Modules
Hours of Learning
Course Breakdown
The curriculum will comprise 12 units divided into three overarching modules.
The first module is an introduction to the subject matter covering the history of the topic, identification of the underserved groups and understanding of the barriers and cultural challenges. To conclude this overview on the subject the current legal and policy frameworks will be outlined.
The second module focuses on inclusive design strategies in clinical trials. It highlights considerations on eligibility criteria and improved enrolment as well as monitoring and data usage. To close this module, case studies illustrate the importance of some of the key take home messages.
The units in the third module analyse practicalities to consider for your inclusive trial. Among the considerations are how to engage with potential trial participants, recruitment and retention as well as post-trial communication. Lastly, the module will look at how to build links with underserved groups.
Setting the Scene |
Unit 1: | History of Inclusivity
Unit 2: | Who Are Under-served Groups?
Unit 3: | Understanding Barriers to Inclusion
Unit 4: | Case Study
Inclusive Design |
Unit 5: | Who Do We Need in the Trial?
Unit 6: | Equitable Participation in Trials for Under-served Groups
Unit 7: | Inclusive Trial Design and Conduct
Unit 8: | Case Study
Building for the Future |
Unit 9: | Building Links With Under-served Groups
Unit 10: | How to Be a More Inclusive Researcher
Unit 11: | Post-trial Communication
Unit 12: | Conclusion
Currently in development, the SENSITISE course will be made available as soon as possible. The materials will be translated and accessible in Czech, French and German. Moreover, to support the integration into existing university curriculum teacher guides will be made available to support onsite or hybrid integration of the materials to learn more about this visit the dedicated teacher guides page.