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Prof Gregorio Iglesias


Prof Gregorio Iglesias is Professor of Marine Renewable Energy at University College Cork and Honorary Professor of Coastal Engineering at the University of Plymouth. He held a Marie Curie individual fellowship focused on the effects of wave farms on coastal processes (WaveImpact), and recently acted as an expert witness on behalf of Spain’s State Ports on the new, €500M breakwater at the Port of Gijon (Spain). 

He is a member of the panel in charge of the IEC Standards for Wave Energy Device Development (scale-model testing) and previously served in the panel appointed by Spain’s State Ports to draft the new Spanish Standards for Maritime Works (ROM). Prof Iglesias regularly acts as a reviewer for a number of international journals and research councils, is a member of various Editorial Boards and the Subject Editor of Energy (Elsevier) for wave, tidal and hydropower. He has secured over €12M research income as Principal Investigator, published over 160 peer-reviewed journal papers, and has recently authored / edited: Wave and Tidal Energy (Wiley) and Ocean Energy and Coastal Protection (Springer). With 5459 citations, his h-index is 41.

Research Interests

Research Interests

Marine Renewable Energy and Coastal Engineering, including:

  • Characterisation of Marine Renewable Energy resources (wave, tidal, wind)
  • Advanced numerical and analytical modelling of wave energy converters, floating offshore wind turbines and hybrid wave-wind systems.
  • Laboratory tests of wave energy converters, offshore wind turbines, breakwaters, etc.
  • Coastal erosion
  • Coastal flooding

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Selected Publications

  1. Zheng, S, Antonini, A, Zhang, Y, Greaves, D, Miles, J, Iglesias, G, 2019. Wave power extraction from multiple oscillating water columns along a straight coast. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 878, pp. 445-480.
  1. Michele, S, Renzi, E, Perez-Collazo, C, Greaves, D, Iglesias, G, 2019. Power extraction in regular and random waves from an OWC in hybrid wind-wave energy systems. Ocean Engineering, 191, 106519.
  2. Perez-Collazo, C, Greaves, D, Iglesias, G, 2015. A review of combined wave and offshore wind energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 42, pp. 141-153. (Cited by 246).
  3. Lopez, I, Pereiras, B, Castro, F, Iglesias, G, 2014. Optimisation of turbine-induced damping for an OWC wave energy converter using a RANS-VOF numerical model, Applied Energy, 127, pp. 105-114.

(Cited by 141).

  1. Iglesias, G., Carballo, R., 2011. Wave Resource in El Hierro: An Island Towards Energy Self-Sufficiency. Renewable Energy, 36 (2), pp. 689-698. (Cited by 116).

 See Prof. Iglesias's Google Scholar profile for full details of publications.

Professional Activity

  • Research Area 1 (Marine Renewable Energy) Lead in MaREI (Marine and Renewable Energy Centre Ireland).
  • Head of the COAST Engineering Research Group, University of Plymouth (2012-2018). In the period from Autumn 2012 to August 2016 the Research Group carried out 41 projects with a total funding of £6.2M (UoP, £3.1M).
  • Torres breakwater and port extension works, Port of Gijon, Spain, 2014-15.
  • Falmouth Eastern Jetty project (UK), 2014.
  • Member of PIANC (World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure), Permanent task group: PIANC/Universities consortium (TG-PUC) 
  • Subject Editor of the Journal Energy (Elsevier) for Wave, Tidal and Hydro Power. 5-year impact factor: 5.182.

Teaching Activity

Professor Iglesias delivers the following modules: 

NE4003            Ocean Energy

NE6005            Ocean Energy

CE3007            Hydraulics I



Gregorio Iglesias

Contact Details:


Professor of Marine Renewable Energy


BEng Civil Engineering 1992 MEng Civil Engineering 1993 PhD Engineering 2001

Research Area:

Marine Renewable Energy and Coastal Engineering



Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering

Innealtóireacht Shibhialta agus Timpeallachta

University College Cork, Cork
