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- APC Microbiome Institute
- Biosciences Imaging Centre
- Centre for Gerontology & Rehabilitation
- Centre for Research in Vascular Biology
- Cork NeuroScience Centre
- Cancer Research @UCC
- HRB Clinical Research Facility Cork
- National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre
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- Dr Ashleigh Byrne-O’Brien Memorial Fund
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- UCC Academic Health Sciences
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Postgraduate Supports
Health Supports
Student Advisor and Ombudsman
The Student Advisor and Ombudsman is Professor Fred Powell. Professor Powell welcomes enquiries from students by email at studentombudsman@ucc.ie, or phone on 021-4902593 or 021 - 4902228. He is located in the School of Applied Social Studies, Ashford (Room 2.01), Donovan's Road.
Below is a list of useful resources:
- Student Health Department – https://www.ucc.ie/en/studenthealth/
- Stress Management Supports - https://www.ucc.ie/en/keep-well/mental/stress/
- Mental Wellbeing Supports - https://www.ucc.ie/en/keep-well/mental/
- Student Counselling – https://www.ucc.ie/en/studentcounselling/
- UCC Niteline - https://www.ucc.ie/en/peersupport/niteline/
Out of Hours Support
Samaritans: Emotional support |
24 hours, Freephone 116123 www.samaritans.org |
Pieta House: Support for people at risk of self‐harm |
24 hours, Freephone 1800 247 247. http://www.pieta.ie/ |
UCC General Services Security |
24 Hours, Tel: (021) 4903111 |
Anglesea Street Gardaí HQ |
24 hours, Tel: (021) 4313031 |
A+E Cork University Hospital |
24 hours, Tel: (021) 4920230 |
The Analysis Factor Programs: https://www.theanalysisfactor.com/about/programs/
The Analysis Factor Free Statistical Webinar Series: https://thecraftofstatisticalanalysis.com/more-webinars/
Statistically Speaking Membership Program: https://www.theanalysisfactor.com/membership/
Online Workshops: https://www.theanalysisfactor.com/live-online-workshops/
Graduate Students: Coming to Cork 2024/2025
You can download the handbook here.
Coming to Cork Handbook for PGR Students 2024-25