Social Work Placement Forms
Practice placements are an integral part of the course. You are required to complete two 14-week fieldwork placements, for at least one of which you will be required to move outside Cork. Placement forms are available below.
Youth and Community Work Placement Forms
In first and second year you will be required to complete two days/16 hours of supervised practice placement weekly in a recognised agency, over the course of the academic year. In third year you will undertake a 10-week full-time block placement in the second semester.
Placement forms can ba accessed on Canvas
Social Science Placement Forms
Placements are offered on an optional basis on the BSocSc in years two and three. For each placement students undertake a minimum of 150 hours work in a setting relevant to their studies and placements are completed in the summer months.
Placement forms can ba accessed on Canvas
Early Years & Childhood Studies Placement Forms
You will undertake a 13-week placement in both Years 2 and 3 of the course and a 2-week on-site placement in Year 4.
Placement forms can be accessed on the School of Education website
These forms should be used by undergraduate and taught Master students in the School of Applied Social Studies.
Master by Research and Doctoral students should use the Social Research Ethics Committee forms and process
For further information, see the following guide on ethics for staff and students in the School: Guidance on Ethics for Staff and Students