The SPHeRE (Structured Population and Health-services Research Education) Programme is an innovative and ambitious research programme in population health and health services research funded by the Health Research Board. Not only is it a research programme, it is also a network: a system for academics, practitioners and public policy makers to converse, collaborate and learn from each other.
Launched in September 2016, the focus of the new SPHeRE blog will be to contribute to discussion on topical issues. It is envisaged that the blog will be updated regularly with new content ranging from public health policy formation and deliberation to health services practice and population health research. The blog will have a range of contributors from individuals across the SPHeRE network.
Check out the SPHeRE blog here.
Should you have any ideas or topics to contribute to the blog, please don't hesitate to contact Sumeet Bhattacharjee at sbhattacharjee@ucc.ie