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The Department of Paediatrics & Child Health works collaboratively with the INFANT Centre and HRB Clinical Research Facility to promote and develop innovative research about the health needs and priorities of Irish children. Paediatrics is an area of medicine renowned for its multidisciplinary approach to patient care and research, and we value interactivity with colleagues and allied health professionals. Our research interests are woven together in many ways.  For example, at present, we are combining our expertise regarding quality of life issues and the impact of health interventions on health and social and economic outcomes with allergic disorders, neurocognitive outcomes of prematurity, epilepsy, diabetes and other common disorders of childhood.

Department of Paediatrics & Child Health

Péidiatraic agus Sláinte Leanaí

Floor 2, Paediatric Unit, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork, T12 DC4A
