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Irish Institute of Korean Studies (IIKS)

About the Irish Institute of Korean Studies

The Irish Institute of Korean Studies is led by Dr Kevin N. Cawley, Senior Lecturer in Korean Studies. He is the author of Religious and Philosophical Traditions of Korea (2019) and is an editor for Stanford University's Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

The objectives of the Irish Institute of Korean Studies are: 

- To teach the language, history, economics, politics, and culture of Korea in Ireland.

- To promote mutual understanding between the peoples of Ireland and Korea.

- To contribute to the teaching and research capacity of the School of Asian Studies at UCC.

- To facilitate staff and student exchange between UCC and other Irish universities, and partner institutions in Korea.

- To encourage and develop research areas of mutual interest and benefit to Ireland and Korea.

- To increase awareness of Korean society and culture among the general public in Ireland.

- To develop adult continuous education courses in the Korean language and other Korea-related topics.

- To facilitate co-operation and contact between Korean and Irish business and commerce.


16 May 2024


Dr Kevin Cawley, Director of the Irish Institute of Korean Studies at UCC, would like to congratulate the 9 students from Korean Studies at UCC who participated in the 3rd Joint Korean Studies Program at the University of Bologna (UNIBO) in May. The two-day event was co-organized by Dr. Kevin Cawley and hosted in Bologna by Dr. Marco Milani. It was fully funded (travel and accommodation for all students) by an award from the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS). We all want to express our gratitude to Dr. Mary Lou Emberti Gialloreti for her assistance in organizing the entire program and for taking care of us while we were there.   Students from Korean studies at UCC gave impressive presentations on a variety of topics, including gender and K-Media semiotics, linguistic differences and NK Refugees in SK, as well as student activism and anarchism in SK. We would also like to thank the students in Bologna for their fascinating papers that also covered many topics using different methodologies.   The program overview is provided below. (UCC-Bologna Program Activities).
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04 Mar 2024


Interview with Dr Kevin Cawley on Moncrieff
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Research Centre for East Asian Cultures 
Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series
18 Oct 2023

Research Centre for East Asian Cultures Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series

Dr Kevin Cawley was recently invited as a Distinguished Scholar to give a talk on Neo-Confucian Korean Philosophy at the Research Centre for East Asian Cultures at Oxford University.
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02 Aug 2023


Dr Kevin Cawley, director of the Irish Institute of Korean Studies would like to congratulate the 10 students from Korean Studies at UCC who participated at the 2nd Joint Korean Studies Program at the University of Bologna (UNIBO), delivering outstanding papers that impressed all the academics present. The 2-day program was fully funded by an award from the Academy of Korean Studies and hosted in Bologna by Dr Marco Milani, and co-organised by Dr Kevin Cawley, UCC. We would all like to thank Dr Mary Lou Emberti Gialloreti for all her help co-ordinating the entire program and for looking after us during our stay.   UCC students presented on several different areas but had a focus on translational issues related to Korean. Some students also looked at Korean Cinema, Korea’s role in the Vietnam War and Korean Neo-Confucian philosophy. Grazie to all the students from the University of Bologna for their interesting and engaging papers on Korea – we all learned a lot from them too. Please find the program overview below. Joint Program in Korean Studies: UCC-UNIBO – Program Activities
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Department of Asian Studies

Staidéar Áiseach

3rd Floor, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
