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- (09/10 -06-2017) Women's Voices in Ireland
- (02 -03-2017) Women's History Month Herstory Salon
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- (13-06-2017) Women and Austerity Conference Saturday 13th June
- (13-09-2017) Women and the media: feminist concerns
- (06-03-2014) Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence
- (01-03-2017) Paying the price to the uttermost farthing? Women and World War
- (15-06-2017) Irish Feminist Activism and the Arts
- (15-06-2012) Women in Politics: from Quotas to Representation
- (25-02-2012) From X to A B C: 20 Years On
- (18-09-2010) Moving in from the Margins
- (09-05-2009) Irish Feminisms and the Future
- (24-05-2008) Exploring Mothers: Discourses, Representations, Practices
- (09-06-2009) Mothering in Contemporary Ireland
- (17-06-2006) Buying Sex is not a Sport
- (27-05-2006) Irish Feminist Futures Postgraduate Conference
- (21-05-2005) If I knew then what I know now
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Teaching and Supervision Team
A multicultural team with a variety of research interests and fields of expertise
Women's Studies MA & PhD programme director
Dr Evelien Geerts, Lecturer in Gender, Women's Studies & Philosophy
Areas of expertise: 20th & 21st century (Continental European) political philosophy; intersections of political, feminist & environmental philosophy (with an emphasis on the environmental posthumanities, Deleuzoguattarian, new materialist & posthumanist approaches); and critical theory (including critical pedagogies). https://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A023/EGeerts@ucc.ie
Chair of the Board
Dr Armida De La Garza Mendez, Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities
Areas of expertise: Internationalisation in Higher Education; Screen Media and their relation to culture, industry and education; collaborative, interdisciplinary research that bridges the gap between science and the arts. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A001/adelagarza
Teaching and supervision team - current members (in alphabetical order)
Dr Rola Abu Zeid O'Neill, PhD candidate, Department of Sociology, Coordinator of Diploma in Women's Studies and Diploma in Development and Human Rights Studies, Areas of expertise: memory, conflict, gender and violence, social justice.
Dr Emma Bidwell, Women's Studies and West Cork College, Areas of expertise: Queer theory, trans* and lesbian history, ecofeminism. https://www.westcorkcollege.ie/
Dr Fiona Buckley, Department of Government and Politics, Areas of expertise: gender politics, gender quotas, women and political executives, gender and elections. http://publish.ucc.ie/researchprofiles/B007/fbuckley
Dr Louise Crowley, School of Law, Areas of expertise: family law, divorce law, domestic violence. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/B012/lcrowley
Dr Kathy D'Arcy, English/Creative Writing, Areas of expertise: creative writing, reflexivity, feminist activism. www.kathydarcy.com
Dr Laurence Davis, Department of Government and Politics, Areas of expertise: love, utopia, revolution, anarchism, LGBT+. http://publish.ucc.ie/profiles/B007/ldavis
Dr Amanullah De Sondy, Study of Religions Department, Areas of expertise: Islam, Muslims, religions, masculinity and race. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A040/amanullahdesondy
Dr Eluska Fernandez, School of Applied Social Studies, Areas of expertise: Public health, Social Policy, Methodology and Ethics. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A012/efernandez
Dr Catherine Forde, School of Applied Social Studies, Areas of expertise: Community development; sociology; social policy; social work education. https://www.ucc.ie/en/cgd/about/associates/education/drcatherineforde/
Prof Nuala Finnegan, Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, Areas of expertise: gender and literature in Mexico, gender violence and femicide, global feminisms.http://publish.ucc.ie/researchprofiles/A018/nualafinnegan
Dr Eileen Hogan, School of Applied Social Studies, Areas of expertise: popular music, cultural policy, youth studies, subcultures. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A012/ehogan
Dr Liz Kyte, Women's Studies, Areas of expertise: histories of Irish feminisms and radicalism, women's history, and feminist biography.
Dr Anna Kingston, School of Applied Social Studies, Areas of Expertise: mothering, community-based research, disability/autism. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A012/akingston
Dr Heather Laird, School of English, Areas of Expertise: Postcolonial feminist theory, Irish women writers, the representation of working-class Irish women in literature, The female bildungsroman. http://publish.ucc.ie/researchprofiles/A014/hlaird
Dr Melanie Marshall, School of Music and Theatre, Areas of expertise: music, gender, sexuality & class in early modern Italy http://publish.ucc.ie/researchprofiles/A021/mlmarshall
Prof. Caitríona Ní Dhúill, Department of German, Areas of expertise: German, Austrian and comparative literature from the late nineteenth century to the present day; utopian fiction and theory; gender theory; life writing and biography; ecocriticism, environmental humanities and literature in the Anthropocene. https://www.ucc.ie/en/german/staff/profcaitrionanidhuill/
Dr Maureen O'Connor, School of English, Areas of expertise: Irish women writers of the nineteenth and twentieth century, transatlantic Irishness, ecofeminism. http://publish.ucc.ie/researchprofiles/A014/maureenoconnor
Dr Cliona O'Gallchoir, School of English, Areas of expertise: women's writing, Irish women's writing, feminist literary theory. http://publish.ucc.ie/researchprofiles/A014/cgallchoir
Dr Roisin O' Gorman, Department of Theatre, School of Music and Theatre, Areas of expertise: visual culture, gender representation and performativity, movement and embodiment. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A027/rogorman
Dr Theresa O' Keefe, Department of Sociology and Criminology, Areas of expertise: feminism and social movements, gender and state violence, precarity and inequality in higher education. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A024/theresa.okeefe@ucc.ie
Prof Maggie O'Neill, Department of Sociology and Criminology, Areas of expertise: biographical and participatory research methods, sex work, migration. http://professormaggieoneill.com/
Dr Jacqui O' Riordan, School of Applied Social Studies, Areas of expertise: feminist ethics of care, migration, migrant children, sexuality. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A012/jacquior
Dr Catherine O'Sullivan, School of Law, Areas of expertise: law and literature, feminist legal theory, criminal law, social constructionism, female criminality. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/B012/catherineosullivan
Dr Silvia Ross, Department of Italian, Areas of expertise: motherhood and literature, ecofeminism, representations of conflict and gender in literature, Italian feminism, space and gender. http://publish.ucc.ie/researchprofiles/A017/sross
Dr Vanessa Rutherford, School of Education, Areas of expertise: girls, gender, embodiment and body image, education and learning, teaching and power. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A013/vrutherford
Dr Máire Leane, School of Applied Social Studies, Areas of Expertise: sexuality, motherhood and maternity, women and work, oral history, feminist social policy. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A012/mleane
Dr Elizabeth Kiely, School of Applied Social Studies, Areas of expertise: Feminist social policy, feminist research methodology. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A012/ekiely
Dr Darius Whelan, School of Law, Area of expertise: Employment equality law, Equal status law. http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/B012/dwhelan