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Working Paper Series

Cronin, J., Moore, S., Harding, M., Whelton, H and Woods, N. (In Press)

Cronin, J., Moore, S., Harding, M., Whelton, H and Woods, N. (In Press) :  A quality appraisal of economic evaluations of community water fluoridation: A systematic review.  Community Dental Health.  Appendices.


Appendix Figure A1: General search strategy

Appendix Figures A2 & A3: Overview of performance of studies CHEC & CHEERS


Appendix Table A1: Eligibility Criteria

Appendix Table A2: Details of databases consulted

Appendix Tables A3 & A4: Overview - resource items consumed & saved CWF

Appendix Table A5 & A6: Results CHEC list & CHEERS statement







MacFeely, S.

MacFeely S. (2018) Big data and official statistics.


MacFeely and Delaney

MacFeely and Delaney - Employment in the Irish Tourism Industries: Using Administrative Data to Conduct a Structural and Retional Analysis



MacFeely and O'Brien

MacFeely and O'Brien - How Many Family Businesses are There Really and Does ICT and Innovation Improve their Performance?



MacFeely and Moore

MacFeely and Moore - Collecting Earnings Statistics using Payroll Software - Lessons from Ireland


Kenneally M. and Lynch B.

Kenneally M, Lynch B (2013) Disparities in the Health of Irish Regions: First Estimates.


Kenneally M. and Lynch B.

Kenneally M, Lynch B (2014) Why Do Drug Prescribing Rates Differ Across Irish Regions?


MacFeely S. and Dunne J.

MacFeely S, Dunne J, Joining Up Public Service Information: The Rationale for a National Data Infrastructure.


Kenneally M. and Lynch B.

Kenneally M, Lynch B, (2013) Variations in the Health Status of Irish Regions.


Buckley G, Kenneally M, Walshe V.

Buckley G, Kenneally M, Walshe V (2013) Variations in the Average Cost of GMS Medicines in Ireland.


Kenneally and Jakee

Kenneally and Jakee - Compulsory Voting: What Difference Can Increasing Turnout Make?


Kenneally and Marty

Kenneally and Marty - Common Water Resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Conflice and Co-operative Solutions


Woods, da Mata

Woods, da Mata - Cost-effectiveness of ART Restorations in Elderly Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial

CPS-WP: 13-006

Woods, da Mata

Woods, da Mata - ART and Conventional Restorations in the Management of Caries in Older Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial


Centre for Policy Studies

Ionad Staidéar Beartas

University College Cork, 5 & 6 Bloomfield Terrace, Western Road, Cork
