About Us
Philosophy at UCC has particular teaching and research strengths in contemporary issues in philosophy, from ethics to philosophy of science, and it is the only programme in Ireland to offer several courses in East Asian philosophy to undergraduates. We combine these fields to offer complementary courses in topics such as:
- political theory and international values
- philosophy and public policy
- motivation and moral psychology
- cognition, agency, and phenomenology
- philosophy of social science, epidemiology, and economics
- East Asian philosophy
The Department’s teaching, at both postgraduate (including PhD) and undergraduate levels, is built on a foundation of internationally recognized scholarly research conducted by all academic staff.
In a friendly and supportive environment, students learn to master complex material and apply it to concrete problems, to develop cogent, clear, conceptually tight, evidence-based arguments and present them in professional contexts.
Philosophy is one of the three constitutive disciplines of the Politics programme at UCC. In cooperation with other disciplines across the College, we also host an interdisciplinary postgraduate programme in Health and Society.
For more information on our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, please see the links to the left.