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Civilian Timothy Joseph Murphy

Civilian Timothy Joseph Murphy (aged about 37) of Ballinvarrig, Whitechurch, near Blarney (Ballinvarrig near Blarney)

Date of incident: 14 April 1922

Sources: Death Certificate (Whitechurch District, Union of Cork), 14 April 1922; Record of Inquests (CRT/2003/1/2 (1922), (Cork City and County Archives); CE, 15, 20 April 1922.

Note: The farmer Timothy Joseph Murphy of Ballinvarrig near Blarney was shot accidentally in the chest at close range after getting into a struggle with IRA Volunteer Philip Mulcahy at Mulcahy’s house at about 4:30 p.m. on 14 April 1922. Murphy had visited Mulcahy armed with a shotgun and in an excited state (with some drink taken), with the object of reclaiming his bicycle; the bicycle had been commandeered by Mulcahy (and was still in his care), acting under brigade orders at the time when the IRA had been commandeering bicycles in May and June 1921. See Death Certificate (District of Whitechurch, Union of Cork), 14 April 1922; Record of Inquests (CRT/2003/1/2 (1922), (Cork City and County Archives). The death of Timothy Joseph Murphy was ‘deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife and children’. He was interred in Garrycloyne Cemetery after a funeral at Whitechurch Catholic Church on Sunday, 16 April 1922. See CE, 15 April 1922.

Timothy Joseph Murphy was in 1911 one of the three co-resident children (one son and two daughters) of the farmer James Murphy of house 10 in Ballinvarrig townland in Whitechurch parish in the Blarney district. Timothy Murphy was the youngest (then aged 27) of the three unmarried adult children living with their father. Also then residing in this household were two nieces—Ellen Murphy and Margaret Mulcahy (aged 15 and 8 respectively)—and two teenage male farm servants. Philip Mulcahy was in 1911 one of the four children (two daughters and two sons) of the farmer and widower Michael Mulcahy (aged 65) of house 30 in Farranastig townland in Whitechurch parish. Philip Mulcahy (then aged 27) told the census-taker that he was a farmer’s son.    

The Irish Revolution Project

Scoil na Staire /Tíreolaíocht

University College Cork, Cork,
