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CPD News

Short Courses from ACE, CPD, IMI now hosted on Canvas Catalog.

28 Feb 2023
Canvas Catalog
  • Canvas Catalog is an all-in-one learning solution that includes a customised course catalogue, course enrolment system, payment via PayPal, and learning platform.  

  • Canvas Catalog is linked with Canvas VLE, which allows you to publish any Canvas course in an attractive online catalogue at quickly and efficiently.  

  • Catalog and Canvas together offer a powerful combination of tools to facilitate learning in a different format or capacity.  

  • Canvas is now available to UCC Staff for hosting short courses of all kinds. 

Canvas Catalog provides the following functionality: 

  • An intuitive ‘shopfront’ for learners to browse CPD or other non-accredited short courses 

  • A streamlined payment mechanism for learners to pay for CPD or other non-accredited short courses 

  • Enables promotional code to be issued to applicants who are entitled to reduced/no charge CPD 

  • ‘Straight-through’ functionality whereby when a learner enrols, they are provided with immediate access to the VLE and their course content where appropriate 

  • Instant visibility for administrators on a range of data – enrolments, payments, catalogues, income reports 

  • Certificates (of attendance, participation or completion), if required, are automatically issued to learners upon completion of a course or programme.  

For more on this story contact:

Continuing Professional Development Short Courses

1A Sheraton Court, Glasheen Road, Cork, T12 FX65,
