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This podcast covers the Begin, Belong, and Become journey of UCC students and graduates, including the opportunities they’ve been presented with, and the challenges that they’ve faced.
At the Graduate Attributes Programme we aim to help students develop their core attributes and values and support their successful transition in, through and out of UCC
This is what we discuss and talk about in the podcast. We identify students who have developed a certain attribute or value throughout their time in university by harnessing opportunities, overcoming a range of challenges, and getting involved in college life.
Throughout this podcast series, #BeginBelongBecome is our running theme.
Wanting to keep the theme core to the podcast so we ask our guests:
How they began their journey in UCC.
What made them 'belong' here and how they felt their university experience helped them develop core values and attributes
How they have become who they want to be in this world and what their future plans are.
Ailís Crowley is the founder of the award winning FASH Forward which partners with sustainable brands to host workshops on repair and upcycling. Ailís graduated from UCC in 2014 with Bcommerce International with Hispanic Studies and worked in London at Yahoo for seven years. As her career progressed, she became increasingly inspired to make a positive and sustainable impact on the world. Since recording, Ailís graduated with a Postgraduate in Sustainability in Enterprise and is taking part in the IGNITE Programme. Ailís brings us through her Begin, Belong, and Become journey and development of core graduate attributes and values. Ailís shares how getting involved in clubs and societies has positively impacted both her student experience and career. Ailís also offers some valuable words of wisdom for those wishing to make positive and sustainable changes.
Ailbhe Fitzgerald is a BCommerce International with Irish graduand of the College of Business and Law. Ailbhe takes the listener through her Begin, Belong, Become journey, and her development from an Acorn to a Mighty Oak. Ailbhe discusses her experience of navigating university during the pandemic, and making the most of her experience by getting involved in clubs, societies, and more. Ailbhe has interned with the Graduate Attributes Programme for over a year, and is the creator and producer of this podcast. Ailbhe is the recipient of a UCC EmployAgility award, and actively involved in the UCC Alzheimer Society and UCC PAL (Peer Assisted Learning). Ailbhe discusses her plans and hopes for the future, as she begins her graduate role in Dell. This episode is an inspiring listen and filled with words of advice on how to make the most of the university experience.
Adam Duane and Mia Kovacs are international athletes and members of UCC Powerlifting Club. Mia is a second year PME student, while Adam is a third year BSc Biochemistry student. Adam and Mia discuss their Begin, Belong, and Become journey, and how they've developed resilience and made lifelong friends through sport.
Maggie Tighe is a recent UCC graduate of Music and Classics, of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Social Sciences. Maggie shares her Begin, Belong, and Become journey, and her core graduate attribute of 'creator, communicator, and evaluator of knowledge'. Maggie discusses her love of music, classics, and how she combines her passions. Maggie won the Global Undergraduate of the Year Awards in the Classical Studies and Archaeology category in 2022. Maggie is currently undertaking an MPhil in Classical Studies in Trinity College Dublin.
Jack Pimlott is a BSc. Ecology and Environmental Biology student at the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UCC. Jack discusses his Begin, Belong, and Become journey, and his core graduate value of respect - respect for himself, others, and our environment. Jack discusses his experience as a member of the UCC BEES society and his love of travel.
Marek Zbanski is an entrepreneur and a third year BCommerce student in the College of Business and Law. Marek discusses his Begin, Belong and Become journey, and his core graduate value of ambition. Marek is founder of BlueDawn Agency, and discusses his journey as an entrepreneur, including the highs and lows, and the prospect of going on work placement with Ignite. Marek also discusses getting involved with clubs and societies as an outlet and way to meet people.
Stephanie Moura and Yueling Sima are international PhD students studying at the Department of Management and Marketing, Cork University Business School. Stephanie and Yueling discuss the opportunities that they've been presented with, the challenges of a PhD, relocating during a pandemic, and making friends as international students. A relatable and inspirational episode for anyone considering studying abroad, or undertaking a PhD.
Charlotte Rose Troy is a MA Modernities student in the School of English, College of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Social Sciences. Charlotte discusses her Begin, Belong and Become journey, including how she has developed her core attribute of 'Effective Global Citizen who recognises and challenges inequality'. Charlotte discusses the transition from undergraduate to postgraduate studies and dealing with Imposter Syndrome. Charlotte is actively involved in societies, with strong involvement in the Feminist Society.
Catherine McVicker is an MA Theatre & Performative Practices student. Catherine discusses her Begin, Belong, and Become journey, and her core graduate attribute of 'effective global citizen who recognises and challenges inequality'. Catherine's passion is challenging social issues through the arts. Catherine speaks candidly about returning to university as a mature student, and her recent diagnosis of dyspraxia and how it has shaped her experiences.
Jakub Packo is a first year BA Arts student of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences. Jakub discusses his Begin, Belong, and Become journey, focussing on the transition in stage from secondary school to third level education. A great episode for anyone starting their transition in journey.
Laura O'Keeffe is a recent BSc. Government & Political Science graduate of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences. Laura discusses her Begin, Belong, and Become journey, including her experience of volunteering with the UCC Fáilte Society, studying during the pandemic, and how she embraces her graduate attribute of ‘effective global citizen, who recognises and challenges inequality’. Laura was awarded 'highly commended' in the Politics and International Relations section of the Global Undergraduate of the Year Awards. Laura discusses moving to the UK for postgraduate studies, but she is delighted to have since accepted a place at University Galway studying Environmental Economics.
Pawel Hursztyn is a first year PhD student with the MHAINTAIN programme, the School of Public Health, College of Medicine & Health. Pawel discusses his Begin, Belong, and Become journey, including how life-changing events in his personal life led him to return to education. Pawel is a graduate of the BSc Public Health and MSc Public Health (epidemiology), and works for the National Suicide Research Foundation. Pawel discusses balancing studies and work with personal life, and how he has developed his core graduate value of respect.
MA in Arts Management & Creative Producing is a programme where students are trained in arts leadership and management, as well as essential practical skills in event organisation. As part of the programme, students produce the
CurrentLee Arts Festival, which celebrates the past, present and future of Cork across a programme of music, dance, comedy and theatre.In this episode Daniel Cremin, Aleksandra Soboleva, Gemma Bugler, Karla Grosser, and Jack Murphy share how getting involved in the Festival, has positively impacted both their student experience and career.
Graduate Attributes
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Western Road,
University College Cork,
T12 EC95