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Registering as a first year student

Registration is when you enrol on your degree programme, pay your fees and upload your Personal Identity documentation. These are your first steps to becoming a UCC student. In UCC, First Year Registration has a number of steps that you must complete. Below is a useful guide to bring you through the process.

Registration - Steps 1 and 2

This is an essential step in becoming a UCC student. During registration, you will enrol on your degree programme, choose modules (if applicable), provide biographical information, complete fee payment and download a copy of your confirmation of registration to your phone. Explore the steps in more detail. 

Registration - Next Steps

Registration involves a number of further documentation upload steps that we need you to complete. Once these are done, you'll officially be confirmed as a UCC student. After completing registration steps 1 and 2 you will receive:

  • an email with the procedure to upload identification documents for garda vetting (if applicable for your course). 
  • an email with weblinks to allow you to upload valid Personal Identity documents (if not provided as a previous UCC student).

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1st floor, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, T12 K8AF
