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Hiring Information

Selection Committee Training

As per the approved Appointment Regulations, any individual nominated as Chair of a Selection Committee or a Member of a Selection Committee must participate in mandatory training in Recruitment and Selection for Chairs/Selection Committees Members, as delivered by the Department of Human Resources.

 In order to arrange training please email   

Post Approval Process

Information with regards to the Post Approval process can be found here

Short Term Appointment Pack

Step by Step Guide to Administering the Recruitment Process

Step 1. – Advertising

  1. Once the post is approved by UMTO a Selection Committee should be identified in line with the Regulation on Short Term Appointments.
  2. A draft advert and job description should be prepared by the hiring head (in consultation with the HR Manager for your area).
  3. The draft advert and job description should be circulated to the full Committee using the draft email  (1. Advertising) of the Short Term Appointment Pack.
  4. Agree shortlisting and interview dates with the Committee.
  5. Send final agreed advert and post particulars to HR ( for advertising.

Step 2. – Shortlisting

  1. Acknowledge all applications as received.
  2. No late applications can be accepted and any late submissions should be advised accordingly.
  3. Following the closing date for receipt of applications circulate to the Committee a copy of all applications received using the draft email in the Short Term Appointment Pack (2.Shortlisting).
  4. Prepare the Shortlist Meeting Report and the Shortlist Report Form in advance of the shortlisting meeting (drafts in the Short Term Appointment Pack  2.Shortlisting).
  5. At the shortlisting meeting the remainder of the Report Form and Meeting Report should be fully completed including details of those shortlisted for interview and those not shortlisted for interview.
  6. Detailed feedback must be recorded for those not shortlisted for interview.
  7. Inform those candidates not shortlisted for interview and provide feedback on request using the draft not successful at shortlisting email and draft feedback email provided in the  the Short Term Appointment Pack (2.Shortlisting)  .

Step 3. – Interviews

  1. Invite to interview candidates selected at shortlisting using the draft email provided in the Short Term Appointment Pack (3. Interviews) .
  2. Include where relevant details of seminar and seminar title.  For academic posts only from October 28th 2023: Request references for candidates shortlisted for interview using the draft email provided in the Short Term Appointment Pack (3. Interviews.)
  3. Prepare the Interview Meeting Report, Interview Record Forms (one per candidate), Question Record Form (one per committee member) and Interview timetable (drafts in the Short Term Appointment Pack 3. Interviews).
  4. Email the Selection Committee the interview timetable and references received to date using the draft email provided (3. Interviews )  
  5. Order any required catering for the day of interview. Include in the order water for individual candidates.
  6. At the interview the Meeting Report should be fully completed including details of those deemed appointable and unappointable.
  7. Detailed feedback must be recorded for those candidates deemed unappointable and the Interview Record Form must be completed (including feedback) for those deemed appointable.
  8. Once deliberations have concluded a nominated member of the Selection Committee may call all candidates to informally advise of the outcome of the process. A formal offer cannot be made at this stage.

Step 4. – After Interviews

  1. Email the unsuccessful candidates with the outcome of the process and provide feedback on request using the draft not successful at interview email and draft feedback email provided in the  Short Term Appointment Pack (4. After Interviews )
  2. Email the successful candidate with confirmation that s/he is being recommended for appointment, subject to receipt of references, using the draft email provided.
  3. A formal offer including details of commencing salary can only issue from the Department of Human Resources and no discussion should take place with the candidate in this regard.
  4. Forward the complete documentation as follows to the Department of Human Resources (
    • Interview meeting report
    • Interview record form for successful candidate
    • CV/ Application form for successful candidate
    • References received for successful candidate

     5.  All other records of the process should be retained locally for 12 months and shredded thereafter.


Forms & Emails

Step 1. – Advertising


Email to full Selection Committee at Commencement of Process

Step 2. - Shortlisting

Email to Selection Committee with Applications

Not Successful at Shortlist Email

Feedback Email

Shortlist Meeting Report

Shortlist Report Form  

Step 3 - Interviews

Candidate Contact Details

Email Invite Candidate to InterviewEmail Invite Candidate to Interview  (Academic posts and Professional Services Posts advertised prior to 28th October 2023)

Email invite Candidate to Interview - Professional Services  (Professional Services Posts advertised from 28th October 2023 onwards)

Email to Referees  (for Professional Services Posts advertised prior to 28th October 2023)

Email invite Candidate to Interview - Professional Services

Email to Selection Committee Confirming Interview Details

Interview Record Form

Interview Report Form 2021

Interview Timetable

Interview In Progress Sign

Name Signs

Question Record Form


Step 4 - After Interviews

Email to Successful Candidate (2023)

Email to non successful candidates

Email Feedback to Candidate

Email to Referees (Professional Services)   (for professional services posts advertised from 28th October 2023)


Research Recruitment

The University recognises the need for Research Centres to be in a position to recruit research staff in as expeditious a manner as possible while adhering to best practice methods of recruitment and selection and in compliance with legislation. 

As holders of the HR Excellence in Research logo the University is formally acknowledged as adhering to the Charter and Code of the EC HR Strategy for Researchers.  Through open and transparent advertising and recruitment we contribute to the attractiveness of UCC's research infrastructure and to the attractiveness of the European Research Area and uphold the principles of the Charter and Code.

HR Research will assist and advise staff of Research Centres, Institutes and Units in managing the recruitment of research staff.

For full information see the HR Research Webpages

People & Culture Department

An Roinn Daoine agus Cultúir

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
