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Public Service Superannuation (Age of Retirement) Act 2018

The Public Service Superannuation (Age of Retirement) Act 2018 was enacted on the 26th December 2018. The Act affects staff who joined the public sector before 1 April 2004.

Retirement age

The normal retirement age is age 65. However, the compulsory retirement age has changed to age 70. This means that you may work beyond age 65 to a maximum retirement age of 70. You can continue to accrue pensionable service up to a max of 40 years. 

Pension Contributions and Additional Superannuation Contribution (ASC)

If you continue to work past age 65, ASC and pension contributions will continue to be deducted as normal until you actually retire.

Pension Benefits

If you continue to work past age 65, your pension benefits will not be paid until you retire.

Intend to retire at age 65

The normal retirement age remains at 65. If you intend to retire at age 65 you do not need to take any action. 

Intend to work beyond age 65

If you wish to continue working past age 65, you must provide three months’ notice of your intention. The months of July, August and September do not count for notice purposes. If the Pensions Office do not receive notification of your intention to continue working past age 65, the retirement process will proceed as normal.

Retire after age 65 and before age 70

If you continue working past your normal retirement age of 65, when you decide to retire you must provide three months’ notice in advance of your chosen retirement date. The months of July, August and September do not count for notice purposes.

Retire at age 70

If you work beyond age 65 you must retire at age 70. You are not required to give notice of your intention to retire at age 70.

Voluntary Life Assurance/Income Continuance

Membership of the Voluntary Life Assurance Scheme and Income Continuance Scheme cease at age 66.

Staff on Interim arrangements

The terms of the fixed term contract will continue to apply and you will cease working in UCC at age 66. 

Please find below link to an FAQ document provided by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform 

FAQ Public Service Superannuation Age of Retirement Act 2018

Joined the public sector after 1 April 2004

Please note that if you joined the public sector after 1st April 2004 there is no change. You can remain in service after normal retirement age of 65, accruing pensionable service to a maximum of 40 years. Retirement is not mandatory at any age (subject to health criteria except for those in the new Single Scheme where a compulsory retirement age of 70 applies).

People & Culture Department

An Roinn Daoine agus Cultúir

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