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Retired Staff Association
Retired Staff Association
The Retired Staff Association (RSA) was formed in 2011 to provide a forum for contact among its members, the retired staff of UCC, to represent their interests and to provide recreational activities.
January 2025:
If you wish to renew your RSA membership for 2025, or become an RSA member, please click on the following link. (The 2024 form can be used for year 2025). The displayed form should be printed off.
It contains all of the information required to complete the form and return it to the RSA.
RSA Membership form 2024
RSA Monthly Meeting
The RSA meet at 2.30 pm on the second Thursday of every month in UCC. This is followed by tea/coffee and chat in the Staff Restaurant from approx. 3 30 pm. All retired staff are welcome to attend. There are no meetings in July and August. Additionally, the RSA organises activities, lectures, outings etc. throughout the year. Notifications of events are sent to members by email and are listed on this website.
The RSA in-person monthly meetings and all RSA activities were suspended in 2020, until UCC re-opened fully.
The committee organised on-line monthly Zoom meetings for the duration of the covid closedown.
These sessions featured a wide variety of activities including talks, discussions, demonstartions, music etc.
On March 8th 2022, the first in-person RSA monthly meeting, following UCC re-opening, took place in the Council Room, UCC.
The RSA monthly meeting at 2:00pm on Thursday April 11, 2024 was our A.G.M..
The AGM was held in the Council Room, Main Campus, followed by a chat in the Staff Restaurant.
The three Officers; Catherine O Brien, Chairperson, Pleun Maaskant, Treasurer and Mary O'Grady, Secretary will continue for another year. Many of our RSA Committee are also staying on and Ann Mc Cann is joining us for 2024/25.
Minutes of the UCC RSA Committee AGM held on 11th April 2024
Officers and Committee Members 2024/5:
Catherine O'Brien, Chairperson
Mary O'Grady, Secretary
Pleun Maaskant, Treasurer
Eileen Barry
Vincent Gallagher
Ann Mc Cann
Eileen O'Brien
Eleanor O'Connor
Margaret O'Shaughnessy
- Eileen Twohig
* Subscriptions - Retired Staff Association Membership - 2025
The subscription year begins at the start of the financial year - January 1st.
The R.S.A. membership fee for 2025 is 20 Euro.
If you would like to join the association or renew your membership for the coming year, please forward your membership fee of €20 together with your name and contact details (address, email address and mobile number) to - Secretary, Retired Staff Association, H.R. Department, UCC.
See below for Application Form.
Cheques should be made payable to 'UCC Retired Staff Association'.
Please Email our Secretary, Mary O'Grady ( mogrady@ucc.ie ) for further details about the RSA.
Application for Retired Staff Association Membership/Membership Renewal 2025
New Member [ ] Existing member renewing [ ] (please tick as relevant)
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
EMail: ___________________________________________________________
Mobile No: ___________________________________________________________
Membership Fee €20.00 (Please Tick) Cash [ ] Cheque [ ]
Make the cheque payable to the UCC Retired Staff Association
GDPR: Please tick here to acknowledge your agreement to the UCC Retired Staff Association holding your personal information for UCC RSA purposes only. [ ]
Signed: ___________________________________________