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Abbvie 2020

Abbvie Award 2020-21

AbbVie: Sustainability Prize in Process & Chemical Engineering presented by:-

Gary Crowley                Site Director, AbbVie.

When AbbVie was formed in 2013, building on Abbott’s 125-year experience and heritage in health by infusing the agility, passion and focus of a start-up business.
AbbVie is spread across five sites in Ireland. Alongside three manufacturing facilities in Sligo and Cork, two offices in Dublin serve the needs of the company’s Commercial and Operations activities.
AbbVie creates new medicines for chronic, serious health issues by combining advanced science with deep knowledge of diseases. We harness Irish expertise in complex chemical and biological research, testing discoveries through clinical trials as well as manufacturing many of our medicines and delivery devices here in Ireland
This award, in recognition of Abbvie's commitment to sustainability and sustainable production, and the importance of sustainability in every facet of their work is an individual award given on the basis of a selection of continuous assessment work taken throughout the module: PE3011 Sustainability and Environmental Protection I. This third year module includes topics such as life cycle assessment, water & wastewater treatment, air pollution control and solid waste treatment, as well as consideration of the human impact on the natural environment, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, values, ethics and framings around sustainability and sustainable development and integrative and systems thinking approaches to sustainability. The award coheres with imperatives of our discipline, as well as those of UCC and the engineering professional bodies around incorporating sustainability and associated values into our programme, and it helps promotes the formation of sustainability literate as well as ethically informed contemporary graduate engineers.

2020-21 Winner – Simon Walsh


A specially minted medal to the value of €150 and a cheque for €300

Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
