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3rd School of Engineering Industry & Open Day

We are delighted to announce our Third School of Engineering Industry and Open Day on 20th March 2015 in Devere Hall, UCC. If you are interested in attending, please contact Anne-Marie McSweeney in the SOE at A.McSweeney@ucc.ie to register. As noted below we will have speakers with expertise across the engineering spectrum from buildings to energy to IT to medical technology and pharmaceuticals to global project delivery. We look forward to interesting and informative presentations and some lively debate to follow.
3rd School of Engineering
Industry and Open Day
10 am - 1 pm Friday, 20th March, 2015
DeVere Hall
Áras na Mac Léinn, UCC
10.00 – 11.00: Registration
10.00 – 11.00: Final Year Project Poster Session featuring the Electrical and Electronic, Energy and Process & Chemical undergraduate students.
11.00 – 11.10: Introduction
Chair Professor N. Riza (Head of the UCC School of Engineering)
11.10 – 13.00: Engineering Challenges Session Chair: Judy Rea, MarEI Beaufort
Invited Speakers and Topics:
11.10 – 11.30 - Ria Lyden, Director, Arup
Engineering the Built Environment
11.30 – 11.50 - Malcolm Casey, Executive Director, Merck IT
Technology – a Key Driver of Innovation in the Biopharmaceutical Industry
11.50 – 12.10 - Doireann Barry, Smart Grid Programme Manager, EirGrid
Creating the Smart Energy Grid
12.10 – 12.30 - Eoin O’Driscoll, Chairman, Tyndall National Institute, Member External Advisory Board of the UCC School of Engineering
Technology – Why it Matters
12.30 – 13.00 - Panel Discussion
Speaker Bios
Nabeel A. Riza (Fellow IEEE, IET, EOS, OSA, SPIE) holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). His awards include the 2001 International Commission for Optics (ICO) Prize and 2001 Ernst Abbe Medal from Carl Zeiss Foundation-Germany. Nabeel Riza has held positions at General Electric Corporate Research & Development Center (Schenectady, New York), Nuonics and CREOL, USA. In August 2011, he was appointed Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) and Associate Member Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (UCC), Ireland. In June 2013, he was appointed Head of the School of Engineering, UCC. In January 2013 he authored his first textbook Photonic Signals and Systems: An Introduction, McGraw Hill, a book for undergraduate students in science and engineering. He has published over 144 international journal papers, 165 conference papers, and holds 45 US Patents.
Judy Rea is the Electrical Research Lead at MarEI Beaufort and a former acting Director of IMERC. She graduated from University College Cork with a B.E. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and has 10 years of industry experience as an analog design engineer in the microelectronics industry. In 2009 she completed a MEng in Sustainable Energy on the topic of “Dynamic Modelling Techniques for Offshore Wind and Wave Energy Devices”. Since then, she has worked Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre in UCC.
Her area of research includes methods of electrical power take off from Ocean Energy Convertors focusing on device modelling and control law optimization. Other areas of interests include micro-grid and distributed generation studies and wind farm consultancy work. She is currently lecturing on Electrical Power Systems in UCC. In addition, she engages in out-reach to second level students on behalf of the Engineering School.
Ria Lyden is a Director of Arup and based in Arup’s Cork Office. Ria is a Civil Engineering graduate of UCC and also holds a MBA from UCC. She has over 35 years’ experience in civil engineering, mainly in Ireland, but with short spells in the United Kingdom and Australia. Ria leads Arup’s environmental engineering team in Ireland. For more than 20 years she has provided advice on planning, licensing and liaison with the regulatory authorities to the promoters of strategic infrastructure developments and incoming foreign direct investment projects. She has overseen the preparation of the environmental impact statement and planning application for some of the country’s largest infrastructure and industrial projects.
Malcolm Casey is currently an Executive Director with Merck Corporation where he leads the IT organisation in support of Merck’s Global Pharmaceutical Operations – a $33 billion division. His role is focused on the development and execution of the Merck IT strategy across all pharmaceutical manufacturing and supply-chain operations (40+ locations) in 21 countries. In addition to his global responsibilities Malcolm also serves as the Regional Leader of Merck’s IT organisation in the EMEA region. Malcolm graduated with a BE (Elec Eng) from UCC in 1992. He received his MBA from the Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business in 2000 and a C.Dip.AF from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in 1995. Following his graduation from UCC Malcolm spent several years working internationally as a Management Consultant with Price Waterhouse working across multiple industry sectors. Subsequently, he joined IBM where he held a number of senior executive roles within their Global Services division, including being responsible for IBM’s Industrial Sector and ERP Consultancy businesses in Ireland. Malcolm was involved in a number of successful IT start-up companies in the early 2000’s prior to focusing his career on the pharmaceutical sector when he joined Schering-Plough in 2004 as their European IT Director.
Doireann Barry is the Smart Grid Programme Manager in EirGrid, with responsibility for the coordination of all Smart Grid-related activities in EirGrid Group. Doireann has been involved in the electricity industry since 1999, across a wide range of activities in EirGrid. Her previous role in Power System Operation had a particular focus on capacity adequacy and security of supply and she has also worked as a certified Generation and Transmission Senior Relief Engineer in the National Control Centre. Doireann is the employee-elected representative on the Board of EirGrid, a position she has held since December 2011. She is an Electrical Engineering graduate of University College Cork and is a member of Engineers Ireland.
Eoin O’Driscoll graduated with a BE (Elec Eng) and a M.Eng Sc. from UCC. Eoin is currently Chairman of the Tyndall National Institute, a member of the Board of Directors of the Irish Times, Barclays Bank Plc, Cork University Foundation and a member of the National Executive Council of IBEC. Eoin previously held executive positions in Ireland and the US with Nortel, Wang Laboratories, Stratus and Lucent. He served as Chairman of Forfas, SWS Group, e|net and Shenick Network Systems and as member of the Board of Science Foundation Ireland, Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and as President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ireland. Eoin is a member of the External Advisory Board of the UCC School of Engineering.
Don’t forget, email Anne-Marie McSweeney in the SOE at A.McSweeney@ucc.ie to register before noon on Wednesday, 18th March.