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Skills Centre ACE sessions

ACE Saturday Morning Webinars

On Saturday mornings through Google Meet, the Skills Centre will be holding webinars on an assortment of academic skills that you can utilise in your academic journey. The sessions are focused on the most common queries around settling into university. You can also book online 1-2-1 sessions with one of our tutors to discuss any essay writing, planning, reading, presentation skills, or digital skills you currently would like support with. These sessions are designed to compliment the work the moderators and lecturers of your ACE course provide.

To join our sessions, please click the link in the PDF information booklet below. To request a 1-2-1, please email skillscentre@ucc.ieFurther information on our 1-2-1's is included in the information booklet also. 

For further information on all of the supports we offer to ACE students, please take a look at our ACE Information Booklet.


The list of sessions that will be going ahead for the 24/25 academic year in Semester 2 are as follows.

Skills Centre

Q -1 (Q minus 1), Boole Library,
