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About HRIS

Human Resources Information System

What is HRIS?

A Human Resource Information System [HRIS] is a software solution that enables storage and management of information with respect to -

  • Organisational Management 
  • Digitalisation of Personnel Records
  • Automation of Leave Management
  • Training & Development Information
  • Management Information and Reporting 

CoreHR is the Human Resources system that the University employs to steamline a range of HR processes, including payroll, recruitment, training and leave management

HRIS Support and User Access

The HRIS Support team provide technical support and are the system administrators for the HR system and employee applications (CorePortal ESS). Responsibilities involve the maintainence and continual improvement of the system, including configuration, end-user access, security, and system efficiency. 

Eligible staff members should get in touch with should they require access to the back office CoreHR system. Access is primarily for HR staff and for hourly timesheet entry. Please note access to Timesheets must be requested initially from the Payroll Office.

Access to ESS is also managed by HRIS Support. ESS is available for all Permanent, Fixed Term & Retired employees. It is accessible through any browser using your UCC account. Support is available for system issues via where you will find us under People & Culture.

Please direct any non-technical HR related queries to the Human Resources reception 


People & Culture Department

An Roinn Daoine agus Cultúir

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
