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Tailored Programmes

Tailored Programmes for Schools, Departments & Units
In addition to the advertised programme of workshops and courses, we also work in conjunction with schools, departments and units in response to addressing specific needs
Benefits of tailored programmes include:
- training meets the identified needs of the area;
- colleagues from the same area can spend time together, building skills and relationships within the team;
- dedicated team development can assist in achieving team cohesion and commitment.
Some examples of programmes include
- Team training workshop to explore effective communication and working collaboratively
- Myers Briggs Team Dynamics
- Exploring Belbin Team Roles
Feedback includes:
“Thanks a million for facilitating the consensus building workshop. It was a very thought-provoking session for all of us and thanks for making each of the exercises and questions so relevant and pertinent to our area. Working cross functionally amongst our three teams, enabled greater team cohesion and it was easy to see that we shared more commonality than differences. I feel colleagues really engaged and got involved and thought about the service from the wider and longer-term perspective."
If you are interested in exploring tailored training, contact your HR Business Manager or traininganddevelopment@ucc.ie. We will be happy to meet with you & discuss training provision to meet your needs. Training will be delivered either internally or by one of our external trainers. There may be a charge for this training which will be discussed at an early stage.