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Making Feedback Work For You

Participant Group: All UCC Staff

Facilitator: UCC Skills Centre


This workshop is designed to help staff implement a ‘feedback culture’ into their everyday working lives – to both students and colleagues.
A) It will help you develop ways in which giving feedback to students can be most effective.
B) It will examine how we deliver and receive feedback between colleagues, students, top down, or bottom up organisationally.
The aim is to enable staff feel comfortable giving and receiving the ‘gift of feedback’.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Define what feedback is and what it is not
  • Understand the benefits of giving and receiving feedback
  • Be able to dissect feedback and make it advantageous for future career progression
  • Feel confident in delivering feedback to colleagues/peers who are at a different career level than ourselves
  • Implement a positive feedback in their work, teaching, and learning environments going forward


Date: Thursday 23rd November 2023

Time: 14.30 - 16.00

Location: MS Teams

Open for booking Via ESS

Staff Wellbeing & Development

First Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC, T12 YN60
