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PhD Fellowship, Plant Biotechnology Policy


Applications are sought for a 3 year PhD TEAGASC Walsh Fellowship Postgraduate Studentship to conduct science policy and communication research on " Plant biotechnology risk management policy and public perceptions" located in the research group of Dr. Charles Spillane, University College Cork. The research project will be conducted in collaboration with Dr. Ewen Mullins in the Crop Biotechnology Unit, TEAGASC, OakPark, Carlow, Ireland and a range of international collaborators and institutions. The successful applicant will have a strong background in national and/or international policy, regulatory affairs and communication studies relating to plant biotechnology. The TEAGASC Walsh Fellowship stipend is €21,000 per annum (including cost of fees). Applicants should send an e-mail outlining research interest and motivations, including; (a) your C.V.(list grades, interests, skills and publications to date) & (b) contact details and e-mail addresses for 2 referees to:  

Dr. Charlie Spillane, Genetics & Biotechnology Lab, Biochemistry Dept, University College Cork, LM 2.10, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: c.spillane@ucc.ieResearch group website:

The deadline for applications is Friday July 6th 2007.

People & Culture Department

An Roinn Daoine agus Cultúir

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
