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Transfer Policy



The purpose of this policy is to implement, on a pilot basis, a scheme for the voluntary transfer/exchange of staff for the purposes of staff development across the University.


The policy will allow for application by Executive Assistant and Senior Executive Assistant staff across the University to put their names on a transfer / exchange panel where mutually acceptable arrangements can be put in place to be agreed by the Heads of both functions and the two staff members concerned. Exchanges of staff where more than two exchanges are involved may also be facilitated. Exchanges of staff at the same grade will be facilitated by HR Managers. The purpose of these exchanges is to enhance staff development and provide opportunities for University staff to develop their experience and skills in a different context in another part of the University.

Scope of the Policy

The policy is applicable to Executive Assistant and Senior Executive Assistant staff in the University, who have successfully completed their probation period and who have been at the relevant grade for a minimum period of 12 months.

Note – Ordinarily, applications for transfer will be considered only once in a 36 month period. Nothing in this policy may be construed as contrary to the University’s staff Reassignment Policy or any other Human Resources policy currently in effect.

General Principles Underpinning the Policy

The primary purpose of the policy is to facilitate staff development for staff who agree to the exchange of positions; Transfers will only be made on a grade to grade basis; Transfers are on a permanent basis subject to University policy; An appropriate level of experience and skill mix must be maintained within each location in order to facilitate the on-going delivery of services; All four interested parties, that is the Heads of both functions and both staff members must be in agreement with the transfer before it can take place; The existence of this policy does not detract from the Manager’s right to assign staff within their area of responsibility;

Once there is agreement by all parties [staff and their Heads], the timelines for the transferees/those exchanging positions to take up their post within the timelines will be agreed with the HR Manager[s]. The transfer/exchange policy must have no implications for the transferring or receiving department from an FTE or budgetary point of view [other than any point on scale differences]; The University’s Reassignment Policy will take precedence in the event of any conflict arising in relation to the deployment of staff.

Operation of the Policy

Staff at Executive Assistant or Senior Executive Assistant level may apply to be placed on the transfer/exchange panel. Such staff members must first of all seek and require the approval of their Head of School/Department and complete the appropriate form and have it signed off by their Head of School/Department. The completed form should be sent to the designated HR Manager for the area. The designated HR Manager at the commencement of this Policy is Ms. Anne Gannon.

Submission of a form constitutes no guarantee on behalf of the University that a transfer/exchange will be available to the applicant. However, the University will make every effort possible to facilitate staff members applying for transfer/exchange.


This policy will be implemented on a pilot basis for a 12 month period, following which a full review of the contents will be undertaken. Consultation will take place with union representatives on implementation of the policy at the point of review.


Approved by: Universit Management Team Operations (UMTO) 10th September 2012


EA/SEA Transfer Policy Form

Updated: 7th May 2020

People & Culture Department

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