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Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy

Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy


UCC provides equal opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment in access to employment, conditions of employment, training or experience for or in relation to employment, promotion or re-grading, or classification of job, and in other employment decisions without discrimination on grounds of gender, marital status, family status, sexual orienEtation, religion, age, disability, race or membership of the Traveller community.

The University reserves the right to implement positive action programmes in accordance with the Employment Equality Acts 1998 and 2004 and to invoke exemptions allowed for under these Acts, including, but not limited to, taking action to comply with the Employment Permits Acts 2003 and 2006, the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act 1996, the National Minimum Wage Act 2000 and the Redundancy Payments Acts 1967 - 2003.


The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy and the procedures contained within apply to all employees of UCC.


Under employment equality legislation, it is illegal to discriminate directly or indirectly on pay or non-pay issues on any of the following nine grounds[1]:

  1. Gender
  2. Age
  3. Disability
  4.  Family Status
  5. Sexual Orientation
  6. Marital Status
  7. Race
  8. Religion
  9. Membership of the Traveller Community


In employment, the University aims to:

  • Ensure that all applicants for employment at the University are treated fairly on the basis of their merits, abilities, qualifications and suitability for appointment and that appointment procedures do not discriminate on the basis of criteria which cannot be justified by the demands of the post
  • Ensure that all employees of the University are trained, appraised, given access to relevant work experience, promoted and otherwise treated on the basis of their relevant merits, qualifications, abilities and experience
  • Establish and maintain appropriate mechanisms whereby staff or job applicants who feel that they have been unfairly treated can have their complaints investigated
  • Integrate principles of equal opportunities and practical examples of their application into all training programmes for staff with managerial responsibilities
  • Maintain and develop programmes to accommodate disadvantaged staff or staff with disabilities, adjusting the work environment and procedures where necessary
  • Identify, develop, and support positive action measures to ensure that all members of staff have equal opportunities, and, where appropriate, encouragement, to obtain employment, promotion, and further education and training for personal and career development
  • Consult with staff and representative associations, where appropriate and practicable, on issues relating to equal opportunities and to encourage both the involvement of the University community in, and the commitment to, the promotion of equal opportunities
  • Ensure that this policy is made known to all employees.


All staff are responsible for ensuring that they are familiar with and comply with the UCC Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy and that equal opportunities principles are respected.

Each Head of College, supervisor and Head of department, centre or unit is responsible for familiarising themselves with the Equal Opportunities and Diversity policy and ensuring that educational and employment decisions are made and implemented in accordance with the University's equal opportunities policy. All persons involved in decision-making, including members of Colleges, boards and committees, shall act in a non-discriminatory manner. Heads of College, departments, sections and units are accountable for ensuring that the workplace and study environment are safe and free from discrimination on the grounds covered by this policy.

Any individual with a concern, grievance, or complaint of discrimination or retaliation under this policy should utilise the appropriate procedure from those available:

  • Staff Policy on Duty of Respect and Right to Dignity or;
  • Staff Grievance Procedure.

Advice on which procedure is appropriate may be sought from the Equality Officer, Department of Human Resources (telephone 021-4903684).

Violation of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy can result in serious disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Retaliation, which is conduct constituting any interference, coercion, restraint or reprisal against a person complaining of discrimination or participating in the resolution of a complaint of discrimination, is considered a violation of this policy and a disciplinary offence. Prevailing upon management, trade unions, colleagues or students to practise unfair discrimination or to act in a way which is contrary to the spirit of this policy is considered a violation of the policy. Violation of this policy is a disciplinary offence and staff disciplinary procedures may be applied as appropriate.

[1] Please note, some exceptions may apply.

Human Resources

Acmhainní Daonna

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
