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Income Continuance Plan

UCC Launch of Embark - Managing your benefits just got easier!

We are happy to announce that we have partnered with Willis Towers Watson (“WTW”) to bring you Embark, a new and personalised way to manage your benefits as an employee of University College Cork “UCC”.With Embark, you will have easy access to your benefits information, including your UCC coverage, links to your insurer(s), provider details, and tips for maintaining your overall health and wellbeing.

This new benefit will accompany a range of benefit enhancements that UCC have secured for you as part of your membership under the UCC Income Continuance Plan (“ICP”) and Supplementary Life Assurance Plan (“SLA”).

Embark is now available on your mobile device or your desktop / laptop and will you to easily find information you need when you need it.

Register on the Embark Portal

From a desktop/laptop

From a mobile device

  • Go to the App Store or Google Play and download the Embark by Willis Towers Watson mobile app
  • Input our Organization ID 3729722
  • Click “Sign up now” and follow the steps to access Embark

For any queries or supports with registering please direct them to

Updated: April 2024

Income Continuance Plan

The UCC Income Continuance Plan (ICP) provides a source of income in the event of long or short-term temporary disability. As part of your of employment contract (if more than 6 months duration) you will be automatically included in the ICP with effect from the same date provided you have not previously opted out of the plan or you have been declined for cover under previous contracts of employment with UCC. The cost of membership of the plan will be deducted from your salary.

With effect from 1st January 2021 the premium rate will reduce from 1.47% of salary to 1.05% of salary.

For further information, please contact Kathy O’Connell on ext 2674 or

 UCC Income Continuance Plan

ICP Application Form

Updated April 2021

People & Culture Department

An Roinn Daoine agus Cultúir

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
