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Imaging Centre Information
Imaging Centre Information and Training
The Biosciences Imaging Centre provides training and assistance in Brightfield, Fluorescence, Confocal, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The Biosciences Imaging Centre is a unique and important resource for members of the scientific community as they approach a variety of research problems that call for Microscopy techniques.
On-campus researchers have access to the centre, and investigators from other third level institutes and the private sector are also welcomed. The Biosciences Imaging Centre has the capacity to undertake a limited amount of work, as well as offering assistance or advice in the following areas:
- Brightfield Microscopy - including DIC and Phase Contrast imaging.
- Flurorescence Microscopy - including time lapse imaging.
- Confocal Microscopy including laser scanning and two photon imaging.
- Transmission Electron Microscopy.
- Scanning Electron Microscop.y
- Brightfield, Fluorescence, Confocal , TEM and SEM sample preparation
- Negative staining.
- Specimen coating.
- Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX).
- Elemental analysis.
- Immunocytochemistry in conjunction with Fluorescence, Confocal and Electron Microscopy.
- Imaging techniques.
- 3D and 4D Imaging Analysis.
- Morphometry and Stereology.
Services provided by the Biosciences Imaging Centre staff can be tailored to the needs of the investigator. The examination of a broad range of specimens from cultured cells to polymers, and from nanoparticles to botanical samples can be carried out in the Biosciences Imaging Centre.
Microscopy assistance provided by the BSI Imaging Centre in your laboratory
If you need assistance with microscopy equipment that you have in your laboratory, please contact the Imaging Centre Director, Dr. André Toulouse, email: a.toulouse@ucc.ie
Services that the Imaging Centre can provide in your own lab include:
- Microscope Bulb replacement / Halogen and Mercury
- Illumination tutorial
- Microscope / objective cleaning
- Diagnose a problem with your microscope
Planning Research Involving Microscopy
The staff of the Biosciences Imaging Centre have considerable expertise in the preparation of samples for brightfield, fluorescence, confocal and electron microscopy. A variety of special techniques and methods are available for processing and fixation. Due to the diversity of specimen types encountered, attempts should be made by researchers to determine, via literature searches, the most current protocols applicable to their own specimen type.
Small investigative projects may be carried out by the staff of the Biosciences Imaging Centre. For large and ongoing research projects, initial protocols may be developed and research assistants or postgraduate students trained for continuation of the work. For users who will need to use the instruments in the Biosciences Imaging Centre extensively as a basic research tool for their project, the Centre offers full training in sample preparation and operation of the equipment, so that the user may operate instrumentation without assistance.
The Biosciences Imaging Centre houses a range of Microscopes (see instrument list), all microscopes are capable of digital imaging.
The Biosciences Imaging Centre will provide temporary storage of digital images while a project is in progress and the user is responsible for making arrangements for transferring and archiving files. We provide several ways for users to back up their digital images: burn files onto CD/DVD, transfer files to a USB key/memory stick, or use UCC’s network to back up directly onto their networked PC.
All consumable costs associated with a project are expected to be covered by the research funds for that project. Biosciences Imaging Centre does not receive funding to cover these expenses so a specimen processing charge is imposed to cover costs.
An hourly charge for microscope time is levied to cover service and maintenance costs. Financial arrangements can be made for long term projects to reduce the hourly rate for users. To discuss cost issues please contact Dr André Toulouse, email: a.toulouse@ucc.ie
The Biosciences Imaging Centre is here to support your research. Acknowledgement in any publication or presentation that makes use of data collected in the Biosciences Imaging Centre is greatly appreciated.
Please contact staff in the Biosciences Imaging Centre with any questions or comments.
Becoming a User
If you would like to avail of the services offered by the Biosciences Imaging Centre, please contact Biosciences Imaging Centre staff to discuss your research project and microscopy needs in detail.
Users will be required to adhere to the Code of Conduct and to operate the instrumentation according to the Standard Operating Procedures which are in place.
All users are required to register with Biosciences Imaging Centre by completing an Internal Registration Form (see below).
For the convenience of all Registered Users, an online booking calendar is provided to book usage time on all Microscopes.
The Biosciences Imaging Centre also provides advice and assistance on preparation and examination of Biological and Materials samples for all Microscopy techniques offered.
How do I get set up on the online booking system
The Imaging Centre operates an online booking system, bookings on all instruments can be made and checked remotely, this enables efficient planning of research time, click here for preview. Once you have been trained by the staff in the Imaging Centre you will be given access to the online booking system.
Biosciences Institute Imaging Centre Charges
Due to costs associated with the running of the Imaging Centre, charges are made to users.
The links below detail costs for training and use of Bioscience Imaging Centre equipment (the costs links are under construction currently. Please email a.toulouse@ucc.ie for details of all charges.
Costs for UCC users:
Costs for external non- UCC users:
Costs for use of Histology tissue processing equipment:
Microscopy assistance provided by the BSI Imaging Centre in your laboratory
If you need assistance with microscopy equipment that you have in your laboratory, please contact the Imaging Centre Director, Dr André Toulouse email: a.toulouse@ucc.ie
Services that the Imaging Centre can provide in your own lab include:
- Microscope Bulb replacement / Halogen and Mercury
- Illumination tutorial
- Microscope / objective cleaning
- Diagnose a problem with your microscope
Costs for assistance in your own laboratory:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q) How do I find The Biosciences Imaging Centre in UCC?
The Biosciences Imaging Centre is located on the ground floor of the BioSciences Institute (see University map). Our office is located in Room G.08. See our Contact Details for more information.
Q) How should I describe The Biosciences Imaging Centre equipment in my research protocols?
See relevant Instrument section for details
- OLYMPUS AX70 Research System Microscope
- OLYMPUS IX70 Inverted system Microscope
- OLYMPUS Cell R Modular Imaging Station
- OLYMPUS FLUOVIEW FV1000 Confocal Laser Scanning Biological Microscope.
- OLYMPUS FlUOVIEW FV1000MPE Multi Photon Laser Scanning Microscope
Below is a list of EM Facility Instruments with their official names and manufacturers:
- JEOL Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) JEM 2000FXII (Jeol Ltd., Tokyo, Japan)
- JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) JSM 5510 (Jeol Ltd., Tokyo, Japan)
- INCA x-sight Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) Detector (Oxford Instruments, Buckinghamshire, UK)
- Polaron E5150 Sputter Coating Unit
Q) How do I describe sputter coating in my research paper/thesis?
Samples were mounted on stubs using double-sided carbon tape, and sputter coated with gold, using a Polaron E5150 Sputter Coating Unit, to prevent surface charging by the electron beam. Samples were then examined using a Jeol Scanning Electron Microscope (JSM-5510, Jeol Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).
Q) How do I acknowledge the support and assistance of The Biosciences Imaging Centre in collecting data for my research paper/presentation?
The Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience's Imaging Centre is happy to support your research. Acknowledgement in any publication or presentation that makes use of data generated in the department's Imaging Centre is greatly appreciated. In order that the appropriate recognition is attributed to the Imaging Centre please acknowledge the Imaging Centre in either of two ways.
If your research project was supported in part by the Imaging Centre (but not meriting co-authorship), you are asked to acknowledge the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience Imaging Centre in your publications, abstracts, presentations, posters, grant proposals, etc. using variations of the following text:
"The authors would like to acknowledge the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience Imaging Centre, BioSciences Institute, University College Cork, for assistance in preparing and imaging specimens for this research."
If your research project involved contributions from any of the Imaging Centre staff in the design or conception of the experiments, data analysis or interpretation, please recognize the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience Imaging centre with co-authorship of papers.
Acknowledging the Imaging Centre in your publications
The Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience's Imaging Centre is happy to support your research. Acknowledgement in any publication or presentation that makes use of data generated in the department's Imaging Centre is greatly appreciated. In order that the appropriate recognition is attributed to the Imaging Centre please acknowledge the Imaging Centre in either of two ways.
If your research project was supported in part by the Imaging Centre (but not meriting co-authorship), you are asked to acknowledge the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience Imaging Centre in your publications, abstracts, presentations, posters, grant proposals, etc. using variations of the following text:
"The authors would like to acknowledge the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience Imaging Centre, BioSciences Institute, University College Cork, for assistance in preparing and imaging specimens for this research."
If your research project involved contributions from any of the Imaging Centre staff in the design or conception of the experiments, data analysis or interpretation, please recognize the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience Imaging centre with co-authorship of papers.