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The four year honours B.Pharm degree in Pharmacy was established in UCC in October 2003. The programme is offered by the School of Pharmacy within the Faculty of Medicine and Health in collaboration with the School of Medicine and departments in the Faculty of Science.

Students take a module in anatomy and pathophysiology in the first year of the programme. The objective of the module is to ensure that students achieve an understanding of the structural biology of the major body systems relevant to Pharmacy and of the anatomical and histological features of common diseases amenable to drug therapy.

The module is accompanied by a dedicated teaching manual and an online practical course to ensure optimal quality and relevance of content.

AN1074 Anatomy and Introductory Pathophysiology (5 credits)

Staff of the anatomy department also participate in supervising Pharmacy students undertaking laboratory-based neuroscience research projects in their final year.


Further Information

See UCC information for undergraduate students webpage: Pharmacy - CK703

For further information about this course please view the School of Pharmacy website,and the College Calendar .  Module descriptions are contained in the Book of Modules.

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
