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ISS21 hosts or co-hosts regular events at which members and invited speakers can present their work. Highlights from recent years are listed below.

Care Co-operatives Research Report Launch22 March
Examining the effects of Graduate Trauma-informed Practice Education on Child Welfare Professionals, 19 March
Migrant 'Crisis' in the Mediterranean? - Perspectives from Italy, 5 March
Debating the Referendum: Family, Care and the Constitution, 29 February
UCC Refugee Week 2024 - several events were hosted by ISS21 clusters & projects, 19-24 February
Rattlesnake: addressing coercive control in intimate partner relations, 14 February



Launch of CareVisions Research Report, 12 December 

On Tuesday 12 December an online event was held to launch the final report of the research project CareVisions: Envisioning a Care-Centred Society Within and Beyond COVID19. The launch opened with a keynote from Professor Joan Tronto (University of Minnesota), followed by a presentation of the main findings from the CareVisions project team.

Collective Social Futures Festival of Social Science, 20-21 November

ISS21 contributed to the two-day Collective Social Futures Festival of Social Science, which included a book launch; an evening of music and performance; and a full-day symposium showcasing social science research across UCC.

Navigating the hostile environment - Afghan evacuees in London, 14 November

Seminar co-hosted by the Department of Sociology & Criminology and the ISS21 Migration and Integration Research Cluster, with visiting speaker Professor Louise Ryan, London Metropolitan University.

Every moment counts - promoting mental wellbeing and inclusion in Irish Schools, 13th November 

Fulbright Scholar Dr Susan Bazyk presented a seminar on her innovative work in school inclusion, focusing on the Every Moment Counts programme. Hosted by the ISS21 Children and Young People Research Cluster.

Informal care and the precariousness of migration experience: An ethnographic study on welfare and migrants' care, help and support within and because of the migration process, 13 November

Co-hosted with the CareVisions project, this seminar presented the findings of research on care and support provided within families with migration experiences. 

Belonging and Narrative, 20th September

On 20 September the Department of Sociology and Criminology and ISS21 hosted a half-day symposium on the theme of belonging and narrative, with keynote presentations from Professor Nira Yuval-Davis (University of East London) and Professor Molly Andrews (University College London).

IMMERSE Conference 15 September

This conference presented the findings from the Irish component of the four-year Horizon 2020 project: IMMERSE (Integration Mapping of Refugee and Migrant Children in Schools and other Experiential Environments in Europe). 

Competing requirements in Hungarian higher education: EU gender mainstreaming or domestic gender regime?, 31 August.

In this seminar visiting academic Prof. Ágnes Kövér-Van Til (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) discussed Hungarian gender policy, and the contradictions with the EU's gender mainstreaming expectations.

Launch of the Irish findings of the PositivMasc study, 30 August.

Findings from the EU GENDER-NET funded study PositivMasc were presented by the research team, followed by a panel discussion with key stakeholders.  

In Transit? Report Launch, 25 May.

The research report In transit? Documenting the lived experiences of welfare, working and caring for one parent families claiming Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment was launched by Senator Alice Mary Higgins on 25th May 2023.

Leaving No One Behind: Health Inequalities on the Island of Ireland, 27 April. 

The ISS21 SHAPE & REACT Research Clusters hosted this online symposium on health inequalities. 

Im/possibilities of settlements and onward movements: An intersectional framework to analyse home-making experiences. 25th April  

In this seminar, Dr. Mastoureh Fathi (Department of Sociology & Criminology, UCC) presented a paper on home making among different migrant groups in various contexts, based on the findings of the EMNaH project. Hosted by the Migration and Integration Research Cluster.

Valuing Care in Feminist and Disability Politics, 24th April

This online seminar with Professor Janice McLaughlin (Newcastle University) was hosted by CareVisions in affiliation with ISS21. 

Duty to Care and Solidarity: Counter-hegemonic civic acts in authoritarian and xenophobic contexts, 21th April

Seminar jointly hosted by ISS21, PRECNIGHTS and the Doctor of Social Science Programme, with visiting speaker Dr. Violetta Zentai (Central European University).

Sharing Canadian & Irish Research and Practice in Housing First & Rapid Rehousing 20 April

Visiting speakers and researchers from UCC provided insights on Housing First and other initiatives to address homelessness in this half-day event. 

Unleashing the Voice within: Challenging current responses of mental health systems to young people in distress, 3 April

This seminar explored different ways of supporting young people experiencing distress, beyond the current services available. Co-hosted by the ISS21 Disability & Mental Health Cluster, CVNI and Mad In Ireland.

Qualitative Research in Cross-cultural & Non-Western Settings, 22 March

In this online seminar Professor Divya Sharma (Western Connecticut State University) discussed ethical and methodological approaches and challenges in conducting qualitative research in cross-cultural and non-Western settings.

Looking Back, Looking Forward: Early Years & Childhood Studies Conference, 10 March

This one-day conference was hosted by the Early Years and Childhood Studies Programme, UCC, in conjunction with the ISS21 Children and Young People Research Cluster

Border Securitisation and the Criminalization of Migration, 24 February

Paper presented by Dr. Gustavo de la Orden Bosch (University of Deusto) as part of UCC Refugee Week, 2023. This event was co-hosted by the ISS21 Migration and Integration Cluster and UNIC.



Researcher's Nightworkshop: Reaching out to vulnerable migrant nightworkers, 12 December

Dr JC Macarie (MSCA Research Fellow) presented a paper on precarity amongst migrant night workers, based on his current & previous research. The seminar was hosted by the ISS21 Migration and Integration Research Cluster. 

Research Ethics and Ethical Approval Procedures in UCC, 1 December 

In this seminar, hosted by the Children and Young People Research Cluster, Dr Kenneth Burns provided practical guidance on applying for ethical approval for social research projects in UCC.

The Good Life, 22 November

In this talk, Professor Daniel Miller discussed themes from his upcoming book, The Good Life.

'Last night I was shot, you were shot too’: Ethical, political and methodological dilemmas in doing survivor research in mental health, 18 November

This seminar was hosted by the Disability and Mental Health Cluster, with guest speaker Dr Konstantina (Dina) Poursanidou. 

GendeResearchIreland Symposium: Reflections on Institutionalising Gender Equality in Higher Education, 14 November

A symposium bringing together experts, practitioners and activists interested in the topic of embedding gender equality in higher education institutions was held on 14 Nov., as part of the ISS21-affiliated GendeResearchIreland project. 

The Dark Side of Care, 14 November

In this seminar Dr Tiina Sihto and Dr Paula Vasara discussed their forthcoming book which explores the dark side of care in the Finnish context. 

Young People's Inclusion in Public Policy Making in Portugal, the UK and Ireland, 18 October

The seminar was co-hosted by the ISS21 REACT and Children and Young People research clusters, and included presentations from Irish and international researchers. 

Researching Care Workshop, 14 October

This full-day workshop, hosted by the CareVisions research project and ISS21, showcased care-related research in UCC.

Environmental Policy Making and the Circular Economy, 13 October 

This webinar featured a presentation on the circular economy from Cillian Lohan, VP for Communications of the European Economic and Social Committee, and a response from Dr Barbara Doyle-Prestwich, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences UCC.

Securitised Borders: Human Security Migrant Mobilities & Resistance23 Sept. 2022

Hosted by the Migration and Integration Research Cluster, this half-day event on border securitisation included presentations from national and international speakers. Details available here

Let's Talk About Climate Change20 Sept. 2022

The ISS21 Ageing Research Cluster collaborated with Cork County Council and the School of Applied Psychology to organise a webinar on climate change and climate action, available at:

Learning Disrupted Report Launch, 2 September, 11-1pm

ISS21 and the National Learning Network hosted an event to launch the report Learning Disrupted: Young People with Disabilities’ Access to and Experiences of Learning and Work-Based Training During COVID-19. The report is accessible here 

Enacting Superdiversity: Towards Critical Change in Higher Education, 17-19 May

As part of the UNIC European University initiative, a three-day Superdiversity School was organised by ISS21, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Unit and Access UCC. Details and recordings available here

First Do No Harm: Iatrogenic Harm in Mental Health, 26 April 2022

In this seminar, co-hosted by the Disability & Mental Health Research Cluster & Critical Voices Network Ireland, presenter Jacqui Dillon explored the phenomenon of iatrogenic harm: what is it, how is it caused what can be done about it. Further details available here

Relational research and producing knowledge about care, 25 April

In this seminar, hosted by CareVisions & ISS21, presenter Dr Lizzie Ward (University of Brighton) looked at how knowledge about care is produced. Details available here

Exploring welfare bricolage in Europe's superdiverse neighbourhoods, 7 April

As part of the UNIC European University initiative, ISS21, in conjunction with the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit and Access UCC, is hosting a seminar series focused on superdiversity. In the third seminar in this series Professor Jenny Phillimore (University of Birmingham) presented a paper on the theme of welfare bricolage in Europe's superdiverse neighbourhoods. Details are available here 

Inclusive Volunteering Report Launch, 30 March

ISS21 hosted an event to launch the report Inclusive Volunteering: Exploring Migrant Participation in Volunteering, with presentations from the report authors (Margaret Scanlon and Shirley Martin) and an opening address from Peter Scholten, Director of IMISCOE & Professor of Migration and Diversity Policy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam. Details available here

Children's Research Advisory Groups: 'Who else would you ask?’ 29 March 2022

Co-hosted by they CYP Cluster, the PPI Ignite Network and the ISS21-affiliated P4PLAY project, this seminar explored a number of issues relating to child participation, including the policy context for child participation and children’s contribution to the development of national policy in areas which affect them. Details available here

The University as a Superdiverse Space? A Conversation

As part of the UNIC European University initiative, ISS21, in conjunction with the EDI Unit and Access UCC, is hosting a seminar series focused on the theme of superdiversity. The second seminar in this series fedocus on the theme of the university as a space for diversity and inclusion and involved a conversation between staff and students. Further details available here

"Can you help me get out?": Ethical, political and methodological struggles in doing survivor research in mental health, 15 March

In this seminar, Dina Poursanidou (Co-Director of the Survivor Researcher Network, UK) explored the identity and other struggles implicated in the task of constructing and negotiating her double identity as an academic researcher and a mental health service user. The seminar was hosted by the ISS21 Disability & Mental Health research cluster. 

Agency and Ageing in Place in Rural Ireland: Exploring the housing preferences of older people in rural areas, 15 March 

Dr Siobhan O'Sullivan (School of Applied Social Studies, UCC) reported on the views of older people living in rural areas on where they choose to live, and the enablers or barriers they face to remain in their homes and local areas as they age. The seminar, which was hosted by the ISS21 Ageing research cluster, was based on the findings of the IRC-funded AAPRI project.

How was care represented in Ireland’s Oireachtas Special Committee on COVID-19 Response? 2 March

In this seminar, hosted by the ISS21 SHAPE Research Cluster, Dr Felicity Daly explored governmental discourses about care in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.   

Exploring superdiversity: A critical roundtable discussion, 28 February 

As part of the UNIC European University initiative ISS21, in conjunction with the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit and Access UCC, is hosting a seminar series focused on the theme of superdiversity. This first seminar explored the concept of superdiversity, examined its potential and limitations, and considered some of its implications for practice within the university. Further details and a recording are available here

Adapting Social Work and Health Practice following Covid 19 and other Disasters, 23 February

The ISS21 Research for Civil Society and Social Action (REACT) Cluster, in partnership with colleagues in the School of Applied Social Studies (MSW Programme), hosted an online seminar with Margaret Alston, Professor of Social Work at Newcastle University, Australia. Details available here

Migration from North America: An Overview from a Mexican Perspective, 22 February

As part of Refugee Week 2022, the ISS21 Migration and Integration Research Cluster and University of Sanctuary UCC hosted a seminar on return migration, with presenter Aranzazu González Hernández. Details available here

"Yes, but where do you really come from?" Race, Racism and Mental Health, 15 February

As part of a series of events on mental health, this seminar was co-hosted by the ISS21 Disability and Mental Health Research Cluster, Critical Voices Network Ireland, the Survivor Researcher Network, and Asylum Magazine. Details available here

A Reflexive Self-assessment Approach to Integrating Gender into Research, 15 February

ISS21 hosted a seminar on integrating gender into research with Professor Carol Linehan (School of Applied Psychology & ISS21), Dr Caitríona Ní Laoire (School of Applied Social Studies & ISS21) and Dr Christine Gaffney (ISS21).  

The Care Economy in Crisis: A post-COVID-19 feminist recovery plan'7 February

This seminar on the care economy was hosted by the CareVisions project in collaboration with ISS21, with presenters Silke Staab and Laura Turquet (UN Women, New York), and discussant, Dr Ailbhe Smyth. Details available here

ENERGISE: Enhancing the transition to energy citizenship, 27 January

Dr. Olive McCarthy (Centre for Co-operative Studies, UCC) and Gwen Harris (North Dublin Money Advice and Budgeting Service) examined energy efficiency from a social science perspective, focusing on the barriers/enablers to energy efficiency measures in low-income homes. Further details and a recording of the presentation are available here 

Care and Capitalism: Moving Beyond Capitalocentric Thinking about Equality, Social Justice and Politics, 24 January

In this online seminar, Kathleen Lynch (Professor Emerita of Equality Studies, UCD) discussed a number themes from her recently published book Care and Capitalism (Polity Press, 2021). The seminar was hosted by the CareVisions project in collaboration with ISS21. A recording is available here

Gender Stereotyping in 5–7 Year-olds and the Development of an Initiative to Combat Gender Bias, 12 January 

In the first seminar of 2022 the ISS21 Children and Young People Cluster hosted a seminar with Cormac Harris and Alan O’Sullivan (winners of the BT Young Scientists & the European Union Contest for Young Scientist), at which they presented the findings of their research on the prevalence of gender stereotyping in primary school children. Further details and a recording of the seminar are available here



Centering and Embedding Family Carers in the Co-Production of Carer Research, Supports and Policy, 3rd December 2021

The PPI Ignite Network @ UCC and ISS21 hosted a seminar which explored how family carers are integrated and involved in the co-production of carer research, policy and supports. Further details here

Researching and Responding to Homelessness, 16 November 2021

On 16 November the ISS21 Poverties, Social Justice & Inequalities Research Cluster hosted a seminar on the issue of homelessness with researchers from the School of Applied Social Studies, UCC and guest speaker Fr Peter McVerry. Further details here

Care Provision: A Feminist Economist's Perspective, 15th November 2021

The CareVisions project and ISS21 hosted a seminar on the gendered nature of care provision with Professor Nancy Folbre (University of Massachusetts) and Professor Mary Murphy (Maynooth University). Further details here

Ethnic Discrimination in the Irish Housing Market: Evidence from two Field Experiments, 4th November 2021

The ISS21 Migration and Integration Research Cluster hosted a seminar with Dr. Egle Gusciute (Department of Sociology and Criminology, UCC) on the theme of ethnic discrimination in the Irish rental housing market. Details available here

Children's Daily Lives During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 21st October 2021

In this seminar, hosted by the Children and Young People Research Cluster, Iris Würbel (Freie Universität, Berlin) reported on a qualitative participative online study with 7-to-9-year-olds from Germany. Details available here

The University in the Era of Climate Change and the Responsibility of the Civic University, 13th  October, 2021

As part of UCC Community Week 2021, the ISS21 Research for Civil Society and Social Action (REACT) Cluster hosted a seminar on the role of the university in the era of climate change with speaker Professor Keri Facer (University of Bristol) and discussant Professor John O’Halloran (President, UCC). Details available here

Family Carer Experiences of Inclusion and Exclusion, 22 September 2021

ISS21 and Care Alliance Ireland hosted the third and final in a series of online round table events as part of the CARERENGAGE project. Details available here

What Have We Learned about Long-term Care in the Pandemic? 11 May 2021

In this seminar Professor Mary Daly (University of Oxford) reflected on what the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed about long-term care, and care in general. She considered the priorities and assumptions that were embedded in policy responses, both those about the giving and receiving of care. Further details available here

Climate Actions Across Generations, 30 April 2021

This event, hosted by the ISS21 Ageing Research Cluster, explored climate activism and attitudes to environmental issues across different generations. Further details available here

Cork Healthy Cities Action Plan, 21 April 2021

In this seminar Denise Cahill (Healthy Cities Co-coordinator) described initiatives that are underway in Cork city to increase the number of green spaces and open up different spaces (including streets and the river) for recreation, play and exercise. The seminar was hosted by the ISS21 SHAPE cluster. Further details are available here

The Joy and the Pain, 21st April 2021

Dr Vanessa Lacey (Transgender Equality Network Ireland) shared insights from her research on the experiences of adult trans women, and the families of adult trans women, concerning grief and loss. The seminar was co-hosted by the ISS21 Genders, Sexualities and Families Research Cluster and the UCC LGBT+ Staff Network. Further details available here

Subjective Beliefs and Economic Preferences During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 24 March 2021

In this seminar, hosted by the ISS21 SHAPE cluster, Professor Don Ross presented the initial findings of a major experimental research study which is being carried out in the US and South Africa to explore people's beliefs and economic preferences during the Covid 19 pandemic. Further details are available here

Evaluating the National Carers Strategy: Future Directions, 23 March 2021

In the second of a series of events being held during 2020/2021, ISS21 and Care Alliance Ireland hosted a workshop to present the results of recent research on the views of family carers, service providers and policy makers on the National Carers Strategy. Further details and a recording of the event are available here

Sustainability and the Environment: Developing New Disciplinary Norms in the Social Professions, 10 March 2021

On 10 March the ISS21 REACT Cluster hosted a well-attended webinar on environmental education and practice in the social professions. This was the second in a series of webinars that seeks to share knowledge and ideas on the connections between climate change and the social professions, and to build the awareness and capacity of educators in the social professions to develop innovative environmental education practices. Further details and a recording of the webinar are available here

Migration Narratives: A Critical Exploration, 25 February 2021

As part of UCC's schedule of events for Refugee Week 2021, the ISS21 Migration and Integration Research Cluster and the University of Sanctuary Working Group co-hosted a webinar on migration narratives, with speaker Kilian Kleinschmidt, CEO of the Innovation and Planning Agency. Further details and a recording of the seminar are available here

Moving Towards a Barnahus Model: Setting the Scene for an Integrated Response to Child Sexual Abuse in Ireland, 22 February 2021

On 22 February the ISS21 Children and Young People Research Cluster hosted a seminar on the Barnahus model of service provision to children in sexual abuse cases, with presentations from Aoife O’Malley, Manager of Barnahus OneHouse Galway, and Fiona Geraghty, Principal Social Worker at the Family Centre in Cork. Further details and a recording of the seminar are available here



Turing’s Children: Representation of Sexual Minorities in STEM, 15 December

Dr. Dario Sansone (University of Exeter) presented a webinar on the under-representation of sexual minorities in STEM fields, based on research he conducted with Christopher S. Carpenter (Vanderbilt University, Tennessee). The webinar was co-hosted by the ISS21 Genders, Sexualities and Families(GSF) Research Cluster, the UCC LGBT+ Staff Network, and Athena SWAN. Further details and recordings of the presentation are available here

The Special Rapporteur for Child Protection in Ireland: Stories from the Field, 9 December 2020

In this online seminar, Professor Conor O’Mahony discussed his role and experiences as Special Rapporteur for Child Protection. The event was hosted by the ISS21 Children and Young People Research Cluster and chaired by Dr Deirdre Horgan (co-convenor of the cluster). A recording of the presentation is available to view here

Research as Participatory Process: Participative and Reflective Methods, 9 November 2020

The final seminar in the ISS21 Creative Research Methodologies Seminar Series 2020 explored the use of participative and reflective research methods. Recorded presentations were made available to watch in advance of an online discussion with the presenters, Rebecca Dennehy, Monica O’Mullane, Siobhan O’Sullivan and Katie Power, on Monday 9 November. Abstracts and recordings are available here.

Sustainability and the Environment: Developing New Disciplinary Norms, 6 November 2020

This timely webinar set out to share knowledge on the connections between environmental issues and the social professions; build the capacity of educators and practitioners to envisage and develop innovative environmental education practices through interdisciplinary collaboration; and facilitate co-operation between colleagues from the social professions in universities and colleges across Ireland. Furthere details available here.

Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) in Research with a Focus on Family Caring, 13th October 2020

ISS21 and Care Alliance Ireland (CAI) co-hosted this well-attended roundtable which included presentations from Dr. Jon Salsberg (University of Limerick), Dr. Nikki Dunne & Jo Bergin (Family Carers Ireland) and Aisling Harmon (Family Carer). This roundtable is the first in a series of events to be held during 2020/2021, as part of the CARERENGAGE project.

Ethnographic & Biographical Methods, 2 September 2020

In the third seminar of the ISS21 Creative Methodologies Seminar Series, Dr Clíona O’Carroll, Dr Elizabeth Kyte and Siobhán Browne presented papers on the use of ethnographic and biographical methods in their research. Abstracts and the recorded presentations are available through the following link: Ethnographic & Biographical Methods Seminar. An online discussion with the presenters was hosted live through Microsoft Teams on 2 September 2020. 

Walking Methodologies, 17 June 2020

The use of walking methodologies in social science research was explored through four presentations in the second seminar in the ISS21 Creative Research Methodologies Seminar Series 2020. The presentation are availabe to view through the following link: Walking Methodologies. An online discussion with the presenters - Jessica Amberson, Dr Mastoureh Fathi, Dr Eluska Fernández and Professor Maggie O’Neill - was hosted live on 17 June.

Looking and Seeing: developing creative visual methodologies in social science research, 9 March 2020

Janice Haaken, Professor of Psychology, Portland State University, and Meta Newhouse, Professor of Graphic Design at Montana State University, kicked off the new ISS21 seminar series on creative methodologies with two papers exploring the use of visual methodologies in research. 

Music, Sound, and Power in Contemporary Places of Detention, 20 February 2020

Tom Western (University of Oslo/University of Oxford) and Áine Mangaoang (University of Oslo) presented papers on the significance of music for those in places of detention, including prisons and refugee camps. Further details available here

Conversion to Islam in 'Multicultural' South Korea and the Struggle for Belonging, 31 January, 2020

On 31 January, ISS21 and the Study of Religions Department hosted a seminar with visiting speaker Dr Farrah Sheikh on South Korean women's experience of conversion to Islam and their struggle for belonging. Dr Sheikh presented the findings from a major ethnographic study on indigenous Korean Muslim converts, documenting their struggles for identity, community and belonging in a society that continues to place high value on homogeneity. Further details available here

‘Other' Voices: Children and Music within Asylum Seeker Accommodation, 30 January, 2020

In this seminar Dr Ailbhe Kenny presented the findings from participatory music projects about how children living within asylum seeking accommodation make and learn music individually and collaboratively, the social and cultural uses of music, and the social impact of music making within such centres. The event was hosted by ISS21 in association with the School of Applied Social Studies and the MusConYP project. Further details available here  



Institutionalising Gender Equality, 15 November 2019

On 15 November, Dr. Monica O’Mullane’s EC-funded project GendeResearchIreland, hosted a seminar at ISS21 with Professor Uduak Archibong (University of Bradford) on institutionalising gender equality in higher education. Dr O'Mullane also shared some initial reflections from her research on Athena SWAN.

Creative Research Methodologies with Children & Young People, October 2019

On the 24 & 25 October the ISS21 Children and Young People Research Cluster, in conjunction with the Children's Research Network, hosted a masterclass on creative research methodologies with children and young people. The keynote speech was delivered by Professor Kay Tisdall, School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh. Further details available here

Bringing the Voice of the Elderly Onstage: an ethnodrama on everyday lived experience of living in a nursing home, October 2019

On 1 October 2019 the ISS21 Caring Working Group hosted a seminar with Dr Catharina Von Koskull on the use of creative methodologies in an ethnographic study conducted in a Finnish eldercare setting. Further details on this event are available here

Contested Spaces of Belonging: asylum, direct provision and beyond,  September 2019

On 6th September 2019 the ISS21 Migration and Integration cluster hosted a symposium to explore current questions relating to asylum and contested spaces of belonging, in particular issues relating to power/politics, belonging/not-belonging and place/space for asylum-seekers and refugees. Dr Jonathan Darling (Durham University) delivered the keynote speech on the privatisation of dispersal accommodation and reception services for asylum seekers in the UK. Further details available here

Community, Urban Futures and Faith Belonging in Children's Art, June 2019 

On the 11 June 2019 the ISS21 Children and Young People Research cluster hosted a seminar on interfaith childhoods with guest speaker Anna Hickey-Moody, Professor of Media and Communication at RMIT University, Australia. In this talk Professor Hickey-Moody presented some of the findings from the 'Interfaith Childhoods' research project, which aims to generate and document religious children’s perspectives on their worlds. Further details available here

Evidence Amalgamation Workshop, May 2019

On 10 May 2019 the ISS21 SHAPE research cluster hosted a full-day workshop on evidence amalgamation, with Irish and international presenters including Louise Caffrey (Trinity College, Dublin); Hannah Jongsma (University College London); Ben Baumberg Geiger (University of Kent); and Jacob Stegenga (University of Cambridge). Further details available here

Challenges in Current Ageing Research, 10 April 2019

In April 2019 the ISS21 Ageing Research Cluster organised a half-day workshop to discuss current themes in ageing research in Ireland and foster networking between researchers interested in different aspects of ageing. Keynote speeches were delivered by Seán Moynihan (CEO, ALONE) and Cathal McCrory (The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, TILDA), followed by a series of short presentations from researchers and PhD students from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, including psychology, biochemistry, public health and music. Further details available here

Past, Present and Future of Patient Payment in the Irish Healthcare System, March 2019

This half-day workshop examined the role of different funding mechanisms for healthcare, with a view to informing policy-makers on a more equitable way forward. It provided multidisciplinary insights into the issue of paying for health in Ireland, drawing on a number of perspectives including economics, history, social policy and public health, while also drawing on international comparisons. Participants from Ireland, the UK and Spain presented eight papers on a range of topics including the history of universal health care; the costs of healthcare in contemporary Europe; paying for health in Ireland (historical and economic perspectives); and access to healthcare, private health insurance and inequity. Further details available here: paying for health care

Disability, Mental Health and the Ethics of Vulnerability, February 2019 

This half-day seminar explored the concept of vulnerability in the contexts of mental health and disability-related research. Speakers included: Dr Konstantina (Dina) Poursanidou (Survivor Researcher Network/National Survivor User Network, UK); Nicola Maxwell and Dr Claire Edwards (School of Applied Social Studies, UCC); Dr Katherine Furman (Department of Philosophy, UCC); and Prof Mary Donnelly (School of Law, UCC)For further details, please click here



Spaces for Change? The Practice and Policy of Community Participation in Local Governance in Ireland, November 2018

In November 2018 the Civil Society Cluster hosted a half-day seminar on the practice and policy of community participation in local governance in Ireland. Speakers at the event included: Dr Mary Murphy, Department of Sociology, National University of Ireland, Maynooth; Dr Aodh Quinlivan, Department of Government, University College Cork; Aiden Lloyd, Chair of the Rights Platform and member of South Dublin PPN Secretariat and LCDC; and Dr Catherine Forde, School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork. The initial findings of an IRC-funded project on Irish local participatory governance was presented as part of the seminar. Details available at the following link: spaces for change

Researching Intimate Lives, 15-16 November

On 15th and 16th November 2018 ISS21 hosted a master class on the theme of ‘Researching Intimate Lives’. Visiting scholar Dr. Beth Sundstrom delivered the keynote lecture, entitled ‘Sometimes a private matter needs public support: reproductive justice and women’s health in the digital age’. Focusing on innovative methodologies and stakeholder engagement, Dr. Sundstrom outlined how she has applied a reproductive justice framework to researching intimate lives and women's reproductive health. Further details available: here

Researching Children's Lives in a Digital Age, 5 September 2018

In September 2018, the Children and Young People Research Cluster hosted a seminar with visiting speaker, Dr. Liam Berriman, Lecturer in Childhood and Youth Studies at the University of Sussex, UK. Drawing on findings from a recent qualitative longitudinal study ('Everyday Childhoods'), this seminar reflected on the methodological and ethical issues that arise in researching children’s digital lives. Further details available here

Maximising the Potential of Carer Research and Knowledge, June 2018 

On June 19 the Caring Working Group and Care Alliance Ireland hosted a seminar with guest speaker Dr. Mary Larkin (Open University, UK) to discuss international developments in family care research and the launch of the Carer–related Research Evidence Exchange Network.

Solidarity and Young People in Medellín (Colombia) 2 May 2018

In this seminar Yicel Nayrobis Giraldo Giraldo (University of Medellín, Colombia) spoke about her recently completed doctoral research on the ethical-political meanings of solidarity actions in young people from the city of Medellín (Colombia), especially involving young people living in areas affected by violence and poverty.

Beyond Trafficking: reflections on research with child and youth migrants,  April 2018

In April 2018, the cluster held a half-day symposium at which visiting academic Dr. Roy Huijsmans (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) presented the findings of his research with child and youth migrants in the majority world, followed by a round table discussion with ISS21 members. Further details available here 

Human Rights Education in Children's Spaces, 20 March 2018

In this seminar Jonathan Todres presented some of the findings of his research on children’s rights. Focusing on the world of children’s literature, the seminar explored opportunities to partner with children in dialogues about human rights – their own rights and their responsibility to respect the rights of others. Jonathan Todres is Professor of Law at Georgia State University, Atlanta and a Fulbright Scholar at the School of Law, UCC during 2018.

The Bumpy Road Towards the Irish Sign Language Act, March 2018 

Dr John Bosco Conama (Centre for Deaf Studies, Trinity College Dublin) charted the progress of the Irish Sign Language recognition campaign and explored some critical considerations for language rights activism. The seminar was hosted by the Disability and Mental Health Cluster in conjunction with UCC’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Unit, as part of UCC Equality Week, March 6th - 9th 2018.

New Perspectives on Youth Political Participation, February 2018

At this half-day seminary in February 2018 Dr Nathan Manning (University of York), Dr Emily Rainsford (Newcastle University) and Rebecca Jeffers (UCC) presented papers based on their research on different aspects of youth participation. Following the presentations, Dr. Theresa Reidy chaired a roundtable discussion with James Doorley (National Youth Council of Ireland), Donnchadh O’Laoghaire TD (Sinn Féin), Laura Harmon (National Women’s Council of Ireland) and Thomas Atcha (UCC). For further details are available at the following link: youth participation



Post-Caregiving Workshop, November 2017 

In November 2017 the Caring Research Working Group held a half-day seminar on family caring in Ireland, with a particular focus on the experience of carers after their care-giving role had ceased. Reports from two IRC New Foundations research projects were officially launched at the event. Presentations from the project directors – Dr. Carol Kelleher and Dr. Jacqui O’Riordan – were followed by a panel discussion with Senator Colette Kelleher, Mick Barry (TD) and representatives from ISS21, Care Alliance Ireland, Family Carers Ireland and West Cork Carers Support Group.

Inter-disciplinary Encounters: Neuroscience, Social Science and the Politics of Research, May 2017

On 5 May 2017, the ISS21 Children and Young People Cluster, and ISS21 Disability and Mental Health Cluster, in conjunction with the School of Applied Social Studies, hosted a half day seminar exploring the relationship between neuroscientific and social scientific knowledges in the context of early intervention with children, and autism. Papers were presented by leading researchers in the field of early intervention and autism: Ilina Singh, Professor of Neuroscience and Ethics, University of Oxford, and Dr. Steven Kapp, Research Fellow in sociology at the University of Exeter. Further details available here

Transformation of the Community, Voluntary and Co-operative Sectors?  March 2017

This seminar explored the changing character of the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) and community co-operatives in England, and what we in Ireland can learn from recent developments. Speakers included Dr Mike Aiken, Visiting Research Fellow, Open University, UK, Deirdre O’Byrne, Centre for Adult Continuing Education, UCC and Noreen Byrne, Centre for Co-operative Studies, UCC. Further details available here

Looking Ahead: Brexit, Borders and Belongings,  March 2017

This half-day event explored key questions raised by the prospect of Brexit in relation to international borders, migrations, im/mobilities and belongings. Further details available here



Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
