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Listed below are selected publications and outputs from ISS21 affiliated projects.

Journal Articles

Publication Details
Daly, F. and O’Riordan, J. (2024) Intersecting vulnerabilities and compounded risks of women asylum seekers working in care during COVID-19 in Ireland, International Journal of Care and Caring, p1-18  DOI:
Edwards, C. and Loughnane, C. (2024) “‘Plenty of Disabled People Care’: Revealing Reciprocity and Interdependence in Disabled People’s Everyday Caregiving Practices.” Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 26(1): 588–600. DOI:
Daly, F. and O’Riordan, J. (2024) ‘Assessing care deficits in Ireland's international protection accommodation system: Lessons learned in COVID-19 and beyond’, Journal of Migration and Health, 10.
Lotty, M., McCormack, L., Campbell, L., & Stanley, D. (2024). Transforming the child welfare system from the inside out: Integrating trauma-informed practices into foster care services’  The Irish Social Worker , Winter, pp. 21-37.
Lotty, M., Kearns, N., & Frederico, M. (2024) Integrating Trauma-informed Practices in Child Welfare: A Process Study of Trauma-informed Care Graduate Education.  Journal of Child Public Welfare, 1-27.
McCormack, L., Campbell, N. and Lotty, M. (2024) 'Trauma in the foster care system: finding positive ways forward in practice', Foster, 2024(15), pp. 54-63. Available at:
Lotty, M., O’Shea, T., Frederico, M., & Kearns, N. (2024) Exploring the effects of a graduate level trauma-informed care education program for child welfare professionals.  Children and Youth Services Review, 107821.
O'Rourke, P., Swirak, K. and Krenzer, U. (2024) ‘The ’soul-destroying’ release from prison into the void - a ‘walking map’ highlighting some of the systemic drivers of the prison-homelessness ‘swinging door’’, in the Republic of Ireland, in: Journal of Prisoners on Prisons.
Desmond, E. & O’Sullivan, S. (2024) 'Housing and the West Cork islands: a national crisis in microcosm',  Administration, 72 (2): 29–52 doi: 10.2478/admin-2024-0010  
RIFNET: Reconstituting the Irish Family Research Network special issue of The History of the Family (2024). The journal presents five articles on the history of the family by Leanne Calvert, Shannon Detling, Deirdre Foley, Tom Hulme and Mo Moulton, in addition to the introduction. Available at:

Martin, S. Horgan, D. and Maier, R. (2024) 'Children and young people as research collaborators in a large-scale migration research project'. Open Research Europe, 4 (174):1-13. Available at: Children and young people as research ... | Open Research Europe 

O'Toole, C., Looney, E., Martin, S., Curtin, M., Harte, J. and Walsh, G. (in press 2024) 'Experiencing an early intervention programme targeting communication and literacy for infants living in a socially disadvantaged community in Ireland', Advances in Communication and Swallowing, Journal of the Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapists.

Bolton, R., Edwards, C., O'Suilleabhain, F. and Leane, M. (2023) '''I'm not victim blaming but...": Young people's discourses in understanding sexual violence against women', Sociological Research Online.

Martin, S., Horgan, D., O’Riordan, J. & Maier, R.  (2023) 'Refugee and migrant children’s views of integration and belonging in school in Ireland – and the role of micro- and meso-level interactions',  International Journal of Inclusive Education,  DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2023.2222304

Loughnane, C., Kelleher, C. and Edwards, C. (2023) ‘Care full deliberation? Care work and Ireland’s citizens’ assembly on gender equality’, Critical Social Policy DOI: 10.1177/02610183231169195

Daly F. and O'Riordan J. (2023) 'Unintended Consequences: Divisions of Care within Ireland's Response to Ukranian Refugees and Impacts on Asylum seekers', Peace Human Rights Governance, 7(1): 23-44. DOI: 10.14658/PUPJ-PHRG-2023-1-2    

Edwards, C. & Maxwell, M. (2023) 'Disability, hostility and everyday geographies of un/safety', Social & Cultural Geography, 24:1, 157-174, DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2021.1950823  

Bolton, R., Leane, M., Ó Súilleabháin, F., Edwards, C., & Fennell, C. (2023). “Wherever There’s Men, it can Happen”: Constructions of Violence Against Women by Young Adults in Ireland. Violence Against Women,

O’Riordan, J., Daly, F., Loughnane, C., Kelleher, C. & Edwards, C. (2023) 'CareVisions: Enacting the Feminist Ethics of Care in Empirical Research', Ethics and Social Welfare, DOI: 10.1080/17496535.2023.2173794

McNaull, G., Swirak, K., White, K., Maruna, S., O’Neill, M. and Cronin, J. (2023) ‘Emancipatory Pedagogy in Prison: Participatory Action Research and Prison/ University Partnerships’, Irish Probation Journal, vol. 20, pp. 95–129

O’Mullane, M. (2023) ‘What do the narratives tell us? Exploring the implementation of the Athena SWAN Ireland Charter’ Frontiers in Sociology

O'Neill KN, Bell JA, Smith GD, Fraser A, Howe LD, Kearney PM, Robinson O, Tilling K, Willeit P, O'Keeffe LM. (2023) 'Childhood socioeconomic position and sex-specific trajectories of metabolic traits across early life: prospective cohort study', EBioMedicine. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104884.

O’Neill, K., Ahmed, M. and O’Keeffe, L.M. (2023) ‘Sex-specific socioeconomic inequalities in trajectories of anthropometry, blood pressure and blood-based biomarkers from birth to 18 years: a prospective cohort study’, medRxiv: the Preprint Server for Health Science. doi: 

Daly, F. & Edwards, C. (2022) 'Tracing State Accountability for COVID-19: Representing Care within Ireland’s Response to the Pandemic', Social Policy and Society, 1-13. doi:10.1017/S1474746422000665

Loughnane, C., & Edwards, C. (2022). Reimagining care discourses through a feminist ethics of care: analysing Ireland’s Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality, International Journal of Care and Caring

Edwards, C., Bolton, R., Salazar, M., Vives-Cases, C. & Daoud, N.(2022) 'Young people’s constructions of gender norms and attitudes towards violence against women: a critical review of qualitative empirical literature', Journal of Gender Studies.     DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2022.2119374

Edwards, C., & Maxwell, N. (2022). ‘Troubling ambulant research: Disabled people’s socio-spatial encounters with urban un/safety and the politics of mobile methods’. Irish Journal of Sociology,

Daoud, N., Carmi, A., Bolton, R., Cerdán-Torregrosa, A., Nielsen, A., Alfayumi-Zeadna, S., Edwards, C., Ó Súilleabháin, F., Sanz-Barbero, B., Vives-Cases, C., & Salazar, M. (2022). 'Promoting Positive Masculinities to Address Violence Against Women: A Multicountry Concept Mapping Study', Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Horgan, D., Fernández, E., Kitching, K. (2022) ‘Walking and talking with girls in their urban environments: A methodological meandering’, Irish Journal of Sociology,
Horgan, D., Martin, S., O’Riordan, J., Maier, R. (2021) ‘Supporting languages: The socio-educational integration of migrant and refugee children and young people’, Children & Society. DOI:
Fathi, M. and Ní Laoire, C. (2021) 'Urban home: young male migrants constructing home in the city', Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI:
Bolton, R., Edwards, C., Leane, M., Ó Súilleabháin, F. and Fennell, C. (2021) “‘They’re you know, their audience”: How women are (ab)used to cement the heterosexual bonds between men’, Irish Journal of Sociology. DOI: 10.1177/07916035211034355
Fathi, M. (2021) 'Home-in-Migration: Some critical reflections on temporal, spatial and sensorial perspectives', Ethnicities. DOI: 
Fernández, E., Kitching, K. & Horgan, D. (2021): 'Young girls’ experiences of "good" food imperatives in a working class school community: rethinking food desire?', Cambridge Journal of Education. DOI:
Kitching, K., Fernandez, E. and Horgan, D. (2021) 'Sweets are ‘my best friend’: belonging, bargains and body-shaming in working class girls’ food and health relationships' Children’s Geographies. DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2021.1937522
O’Mullane, M. (2021) ‘Developing a theoretical framework for exploring the institutional responses to the Athena SWAN Charter in higher education institutions (HEIs)- A feminist institutionalist perspective,’ Irish Journal of Sociology, Online First
Fathi, M. (2021) “‘My life is on hold”: Examining home, belonging and temporality among migrant men in Ireland’,  Journal of Gender, Place and Culture. DOI:  10.1080/0966369X.2021.1916445 IF: 1.554
Kelleher C, O’Loughlin D, Gummerus J, Peñaloza L. (2020) 'Shifting arrays of a kaleidoscope: the orchestration of relational value cocreation in service systems',   Journal of Service Research, 23(2):211-228. doi: 10.1177/1094670519882495
Ni Laoire, C., Linehan, C., Archibong, U., Picardi, I, Uden, M. (2020) 'Context matters: Problematizing the policy‐practice interface in the enactment of gender equality action plans in universities', Gender Work And Organization
Edwards, C. (2020) ‘Geographies of security and disabled people’s urban lives’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research: Spotlight On.
Salazar M, Daoud N, Edwards C., Scanlon & Vives-Cases, C. (2020) ‘PositivMasc: masculinities and violence against women among young people. Identifying discourses and developing strategies for change, a mixed-method study protocol’ BMJ Open, 10: 1-7.
Revez, A.; Dunphy, N.; Harris, C.; Mullally, G.; Lennon, B.; Gaffney, C. (2020) “Beyond forecasting: using a modified Delphi Method to build upon participatory action research in developing principles for a just and inclusive energy transition.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods
Byrne, L., O’Connell, C. and O’Sullivan, S. (2020) ‘Rap and political participation: using rap as a creative method in research with children and young people’, Young, 28(1): 50-68.
O'Sullivan, S., O'Connell, C., and Byrne, L. (2020) '“Listen to What We Have to Say”: Children and Young People’s Perspectives on Urban Regeneration'. Social Inclusion, 8 (3):77-87.
O'Donovan, Ó. (2020) 'Wax moulages and the pastpresence work of the dead', Science, Technology, & Human Values. 
Forde, C. (2020) ‘Participatory governance in Ireland: Institutional innovation and the quest for joined-up thinking’, Administration, 68: 3.
Lynch, H., Moore, A., Edwards, C., Horgan, L. (2019) 'Advancing play participation for all: The challenge of addressing play diversity and inclusion in community parks and playgrounds', British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 
Burns, K., Christie, A., and O’Sullivan, S. (2019) ‘Findings from a longitudinal qualitative study of child protection social workers’ retention: job embeddedness, professional confidence and staying narratives’, The British Journal of Social Work
Lennon B, Dunphy NP, Sanvicente E (2019) 'Community acceptability and the energy transition: a citizens perspective', Energy, Sustainability and Society, 9: 35. doi: 10.1186/s13705-019-0218-z
Lennon, B., Dunphy, N., Gaffney, C., Revez, A., Mullally, G., and O’Connor, P. (2019) 'Citizen or consumer? Reconsidering energy citizenship', Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2019.1680277

Lulle, A., Coakley, L, Mac Éinrí, P. (2019) ‘Overcoming “Crisis”: Mobility Capabilities and “stretching” a Migrant Identity among Young Irish in London and Return Migrants’ International Migration

McGarry O., Krisjane Z., Sechi G., MacÉinrí P., Berzins M., Apsite-Berina E. (2019) Human capital and life satisfaction among circular migrants: an analysis of extended mobility in Europe, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1679421
Maxwell, N., Connolly, L., Ní Laoire, C. (2019) 'Informality, emotion and gendered career paths: The hidden toll of maternity leave on female academics and researchers'. Gender Work and Organizations 26(2): 140-157.
Axon, S., Morrissey, J., Aiesha, R., Hillman, J., Revez, A., Lennon, B., Salel, M., Dunphy, N. and Boo, E. (2018) 'The human factor: classification of European community-based behaviour change initiatives', Journal of Cleaner Production, 182: 567-586    
Lamponen, T., Pösö, T. and Burns, K. (2018) 'Children in immediate danger: emergency removals in Finnish and Irish child protection', Child and Family Social Work, December 2018: 1-8.
Lynch, H., Moore, A., and Prellwitz, M. (2018) ‘From policy to play provision: universal design and the challenge of inclusive play’, Children, Youth and Environments, 28 (2):12-34.
Mullally, G., Dunphy, N.P. and O’Connor, P. (2018). ‘Participative environmental policy integration in the Irish energy sector’, Environmental Science and Policy, 83: 71– 78. 
Horgan, D., Forde, C., Martin, S. and Parkes, A. (2017) 'Children’s participation: moving from the performative to the social', Children’s Geographies, 15(3): 274 288. DOI:
Kitching, K. (2017): ‘A thousand tiny pluralities: children becoming-other than the requirements of post secular neoliberal policy recognition’, Critical Studies in Education, 61:2, 133-148. DOI:
Martin, S. and Forde, C. (2017) 'Youth and adult perspectives on representation in local child and youth councils in Ireland', Youth and Policy, 116: 79-95.
O’Sullivan, S., O’Connell, C. and Byrne, L. (2017) ‘Hearing the voices of children and youth in housing estate regeneration’, Children, Youth and Environments, 27 (3): 1-15. 
Archibong, U., O’Mullane, M., Kállayová, D., Karodia, N., Ní Laoire, C. and Picardi, I. (2016) ‘Guided reflection as an organisational learning and data collection tool in a gender equality change management programme’, International Journal of Organisational Diversity, 16(1): 19-34.
Martin, S. and Forde, C. (2016) ‘Children and young people’s right to participate: national and local youth councils in Ireland’, The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 24(1): 135-154.
O'Mahony, C., Parkes, A., Shore, C. and Burns, K. (2016) 'Child care proceedings and family-friendly justice: the problem with court facilities', Irish Journal of Family Law, 19 (4):75-81.
O’Mahony, C., Shore, C., Burns, K. and Parkes, A. (2016) 'Child care proceedings in non-specialist courts: the experience in Ireland', International Journal Of Law Policy And The Family, 30: 131-157. 
Edwards, C., Harold, G. and Kilcommins, S. (2015) ‘“Show me a justice system that's open, transparent, accessible and inclusive”: barriers to access in the criminal justice system for people with disabilities as victims of crime', Irish Journal of Legal Studies, 5 (1): 86-105.
O’Grada, A., Ni Laoire, C., Linehan, C., Boylan, G. and Connolly, L. (2015) ‘Naming the parts: a case-study of a gender equality initiative with academic women’, Gender in Management: An International Journal, 30(5): 358–378.
Edwards, C. (2014) 'Pathologising the victim: law and the construction of people with disabilities as victims of crime in Ireland', Disability & Society, 29: 685-698.
Powell, F., Geoghegan, M., Scanlon, M. and Swirak, K (2013) 'The Irish charity myth, child abuse and human rights: contextualising the Ryan Report into care institutions', British Journal of Social Work, 43: 7-23.
Scanlon, M., Powell, F., Geoghegan, M. and Swirak, K (2011) ‘Targeted Youth Work in Contemporary Ireland’, Youth Studies Ireland, 6(1): 1-17.

Books & Book Chapters

Publication Details
Martin, S. Horgan, D. Maier, R. and O’Riordan, J. (2023) 'Parental and professional perspectives on educational integration of migrant and refugee children in Ireland – Shirley Martin, Deirdre' In: Sobczak-Szelc, K. Pachocka, M. and Szałańska, J (eds). The Integration of Refugees in the Education and Labour Markets Between Inclusion and Exclusion Practices. London: Routledge.
Swirak, K., Kenny, T., O'Rourke, P. and Purcell, K. forthcoming, 2024). ‘Walking, Crime, Justice and Reintegration after Prison’, in: Walking as Critical Pedagogy. London: Routledge
Cullinane, M., O’Sullivan, S. and O’Connell, C. (2022) ‘Sustainable Urban Regeneration in Ireland: A Case Study’, Perrault, R. (Ed). Urban Regeneration: Methods, Implementation and Management. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Fernández, E., Kitching, K and Horgan, D. (2022) 'School Food Policy in Ireland: What Can We Learn from What 11-year-olds Think of Food?', In R. Dorte, I. Torres and D. Powell (eds.) School Food, Equity and Social Justice: Critical Reflections and Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Edwards, C. (2021) 'Un/safety as placemaking: disabled people's socio-spatial negotiation of fear of violent crime (FOVC)', in: C. Courage, T. Borrup, M. Rosario Jackson, K. Legge, A. Mckeown, L. Platt and J. Schupbach (eds). The Routledge Handbook of Placemaking. London: Routledge. 
Horgan, D. and Martin, S. (2021) 'Children's research advisory groups: Moving from adult-research agendas to co-creation with children', in: D. Horgan and D. Keenan (eds). Child and Youth Participation in Policy, Practice and Research. London: Routledge.
Forde, C. (2020) ‘Community Development, Policy Change and Austerity in Ireland’ in S. Todd and J. Drolet (eds) Community Practice and Social Development in Social Work. New York: Springer Nature. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-6969-8_18
Prellwitz, M. and Lynch, H. (2018) ‘Universal design for social inclusion: playgrounds for all’, in: M. Twomey and C. Carroll (eds.) Seen and Heard: Exploring Participation, Engagement and Voice for Children with Disabilities. Oxford: Peter Lang. 
Day, M. R., McCarthy, G. and Fitzpatrick, J. (eds.)(2017) Self-Neglect in Older Adults: A Global, Evidence-Based Resource for Nurses and Other Healthcare Providers. New York: Springer. 
Powell, F. and Scanlon, M. (2015) Dark Secrets of Childhood: Media Power, Child Abuse and Public Scandals. Bristol: Policy Press. 
Powell F., Geoghegan, M., Scanlon, M. and Swirak, K. (2012) Youth Policy, Civil Society and the Modern Irish State. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 
Powell F., Geoghegan, M., Scanlon, M. and Swirak, K. (2012) 'Child outcasts: the Ryan Report into industrial and reformatory schools', in D. Lynch and K. Burns (eds.) Children's Rights and Child Protection: Critical Times, Critical Issues in Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Reports & Policy Papers

Publication Details
 Ní Laoire, C., Bilson, J., Byrne, O., Dorrity, C., Edwards, C., Honohan, C., 
MacÉinrí, P. and O’Brien, S. (2025) Enabling Diverse Student Voice in the University: A Case Study of the Access UCC Ambassador Programme. Cork: UCC Access & ISS21, UCC.
Power, C. and Crowley, C. (2024) Supporting older people to age well at home: Assessing the potential of care co-operatives in Ireland Centre for Co-operative Studies, University College Cork.
MacQuarie, J.-C. (2024). Policy Brief: 'Out of sight, Not out of mind: Precarity in Women Migrant Nightworkers in Ireland'. Available at:
Scanlon, M., Hogan, E., Martin, S. and Powell, F. (2024) Promoting Youth Volunteering in Ireland: Current Practice and Ways Forward. Report for the Department of Rural and Community Development.
Martin, S., Desmond, E. and Scanlon, M. (2024) Volunteer Recognition: Developing Questions for the Irish Census on Formal and Informal Volunteering. Report for the Department of Rural and Community Development.
Edwards, C., Daly, F., Kelleher, C., Loughnane, C. and O’Riordan, J. (2023) CareVisions: Re-Envisioning a Care-Centred Society in Ireland Beyond COVID-19. Cork: University College Cork. Accessible at the following link CareVisions Report An easy read version is available at: CareVisions EasyRead Report
Hogan, E. and Jeffers, B. (2023)  A Sense of Freedom: Exploring everyday experiences of cycling in an Irish regional city. University College Cork.
ISL HEALTH Research Report (Sept. 2023) Key findings and recommendations from a project aiming to support the effective implementation of the Irish Sign Language Act 2017 in public healthcare settings (2023)
Edwards, C., Bolton, R., Ó Súilleabháin, F. Leane, M. and Fennell, C. (2023) Addressing Masculinities to Tackle Violence Against Women in Ireland: Findings from the PositivMasc Study. Cork: University College Cork.
Sharing the Caring: Young carers' experiences and access to supports in Ireland, March 2023. Family Carers Ireland.
Dukelow, F., Whelan, J. and Scanlon, M. (2023) In Transit? Documenting the lived experiences of welfare, working and caring for one-parent families claiming Jobseeker’s Transitional PaymentUniversity College Cork and One Family.
Jacqui O'Riordan, Shirley Martin , Deirdre Horgan and Reana Maier (2023) National Recommendation Papers on Refugee and Migrant Children integration: Ireland. IMMERSE, Madrid
Marouda, M., Koutsouraki, E., Martin, S., Horgan, D., O'Riordan, J., & Serrano Sanguilinda, I. (2023) IMMERSE - Analysis Reports After Carrying Out the Research Across Countries in Reception Centres and Other Experiential. IMMERSE, Madrid.
Martin, S., Maier, R., O'Riordan, J., Horgan, D., Serrano Sanguilinda, I., Bajo Marcos, E., Rodríguez-Ventosa Herrera, E., & Ordóñez Carabaño, Á. (2023) IMMERSE Final Analysis Report After Carrying Out the Research. IMMERSE, Madrid.
O’Sullivan, S. and Desmond, E. (2022) Housing and Sustaining Communities on the West Cork Islands
Edwards, C. and Harold, G. (2022) Learning Disrupted: Young People with Disabilities’ Access to and Experiences of Learning and Workplace-based Training during COVID-19. University College Cork. 
O'Sullivan, S., Buckley, M., Desmond, E., Bantry-White, E. and Cassarino, M. (2022) Agency and Ageing in Place in Rural Ireland University College Cork and Age Action.
Scanlon, M. and Martin, S. (2022) Inclusive Volunteering: Exploring Migrant Participation in Volunteerism.  University College Cork.
Vives-Cases, V., Daoud, N., Edwards, C., Cerdán-Torregrosa, A., Bolton, R., Felt, E. and Salazar, M. (2022) Promoting Positive Masculinities to Address Violence Against Women in Young People: Evidence From the PositivMasc Project
Pierce, M., Hughes, Z., O’ Sullivan, L. & Kelleher, C. (2021) A Review of the National Carers’ Strategy (2012): How Relevant are the Actions in 2021 and for the Future? Dublin: Care Alliance Ireland and the Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century, University College Cork.
McCarthy, O., Harris, G. and Amato, A. (2021) ENERGISE: Enhancing the transition to energy citizenship: Connecting householdsMABS Policy Briefing Paper, December 2021.
Martin, S., O’Riordan, J., Horgan, D., Maier, R., Marouda, M.D., Koutsouraki, E. and Farakouki, L. (2021) Report on Psycho-social and Wellbeing of Refugee and Migrant Children. IMMERSE Working Paper 3. 
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2019) Towards Safe(r) Space: Disability and Everyday Spaces of Un/safety and Hostility in Ireland. Cork: University College Cork.
Kiely, E. and Bolton, R. (2018) Unmarried Fathers in Ireland: An Examination of the Barriers to Shared Parenting. Dublin: Treoir. 
Lynch, H., Moore, A., Edwards, C. and Horgan, L. (2018) Community Parks and Playgrounds: Intergenerational Participation through Universal Design. Dublin: National Disability Authority. 
Lyons, N. and Halton, C. (2017)(eds.) Learning over Time: How Professionals Learn, Know and Use Knowledge. Dublin: NAIRTL. 
Kelleher, C. and O’Riordan, J. (2017) Post-Caregiving: Family Carers’ Experiences of Cessation of the Caring Role – Implications for Policy and Practice. Cork: ISS21, University College Cork. 
O’Riordan, J. and Kelleher, C. (2016) A Fine Balance: Mental Health and Family Caring. Cork: University College Cork. 
Martin, S., Forde, C., Dunn Galvin, A. and O'Connell, A. (2015) An Examination of Young People’s Views on the Impact of Participation in Decision-making. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. 
O'Connell, C., O'Sullivan, S, and Byrne, L. (2015) Children's Voices in Housing Estate Regeneration. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. 
Horgan, D., Forde, C. Martin, S., Parkes, A., O'Connell, A. (2015) Seen and Not Heard: Children and Young People's Experiences of Participation in the Home, School and Community. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs
Forde, C., O'Byrne, D., O'Connor, R., O hAdhmaill, F., and Power, C. (2015) The Changing Landscape of Local and Community Development in Ireland: Policy and Practice. Cork: ISS21, University College Cork. 
Kiely, E., Ging, D., Kitching, K. and Leane, M. (2015) The Sexualisation and Commercialisation of Children in Ireland: An Exploratory Study. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs. 
Kitching, K. and Shanneik, Y. (2015) Children's Beliefs and Belonging: A Schools and Families Report from the 'Making Communion' Study. Cork: University College Cork. 
Conway, P., Murphy, R. and Rutherford, V. (2013) Re-imagining Initial Teacher Identity and Learning Study: Final Report. Cork: University College Cork.   
Glynn, I., Kelly, T. and MacÉnri, P. (2013) Irish Emigration in an Age of Austerity. Cork: University College Cork. 
Edwards, C., Harold, G. and Kilcommins, S. (2012) Access to Justice for People with Disabilities as Victims of Crime. Cork: University College Cork. 
Kitching, K. and Curtin, A. (eds.) (2012) Addressing the Concept and Evidence of Institutional Racism in Education in Ireland. Proceedings of the Racism and Education Conference and Networking Event 2012. Cork: School of Education and ISS21, University College Cork. 
Bantry White, E., Ni Laoire, C., Wills, T., O'Connor, E., Cusack, S. & Huan, Y. (2011) Age, Income and Food in Ireland: A study of the Socio-Economic Influences of Food Expenditure Amongst Community-Dwelling Older People in Ireland. Belfast: Centre for Ageing Research and Developments in Ireland. 
Powell, F., Geoghegan, M., Scanlon, M. and Swirak, K. (2010) Working With Young People: A National Study of Youth Work Provision and Policy in Contemporary Ireland. Cork: ISS21, UCC.

Periodicals & Media Outputs


Power, C. and Crowley, C. (2024) Could care co-operatives be an answer to Ireland's home care crisis? RTÉ Brainstorm, 25 March 2024.
Dukelow, F., Whelan, J. and Scanlon, M. (2024) ‘In Transit? Insights from the lived experience of lone parents claiming Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment’, February 13, 2024. Jobseeker's_Transitional_Payment.pdf (
In January 2024 the PRECNIGHTS project unveiled a series of comic strips about women nightworkers in Dublin and Cork, available on the PRECNIGHTS website.
MacQuarie, J.-C. (2023). Meet the invisible work force: women migrant nightworkers in Ireland. RTÉ Brainstorm.
McNaull, G., Swirak,K., Cronin, J., Maruna, S., O’Neill, M. White, K. (2023) ‘Collaborating Across Prison Walls and Borders: Co-creating an All-Island Curriculum that Builds Empathy and Mutual Understanding between Diverse Communities of North and South of Ireland Prison-University Partnerships,’ British Society of Criminology Newsletter, 91, pp. 20-24.
Dukelow, F. (2023) ‘In Transit? Documenting the lived experiences of welfare, working and caring for one parent families claiming Jobseeker's Transitional Payment’ (Guest Piece), Public Interest Law Alliance (PILA) BULLETIN, 7 June 2023 Bulletin | PILA
Hogan, E. and Jeffers, B. (2023) YouTube video to launch SocioCyle research report and present key findings. Video accessible here
Desmond, E. with Bantry White, E. (2023) At Your Age?! theatre script
Edwards, C. and Harold, G. (2022) ‘Learning lessons from COVID-19: Exploring the potential of remote learning and working for young people with disabilities’ The AHEAD Journal
Scanlon, M. and Martin, S. (2022) 'How migrant volunteering has benefits for everyone', RTE Brainstorm, 24 May 2022
McGlynn, M. (2022) 'Retrofit scheme "not enough" for low income, energy poor households', Irish Examiner, 9 February 2022. (Article reporting the findings of the ENERGISE research project.)
'Three former prisoners create 'life after prison' map of Cork city', in the Irish Examiner, 22 December 2022  (Article on the ISS21-affiliated 'Clean Slate' project)
McCarthy, O. and Amato, A. (2021) 'Why retrofitting homes will be difficult for low income households', RTE Brainstorm, 8 November 2021.
O'Mullane, M. and Cahill, D. (2021) ‘How to turn Cork into a healthy city’, RTE Brainstorm, 12 July 2021.
O'Mullane, M. (2021) ‘All you need to know about Marie Curie’, RTE Brainstorm. 7 Nov 2021. 
GendeResearchIreland- Project Learnings and Insights
Edwards, C. and Bolton, R. (2021) ‘The role of young masculinities in men's violence against women’, RTE Brainstorm, 16 March 2021.
O'Connor, M. and Harold, G. (2021) ‘A Milestone for Access for Deaf Irish Sign Language Users', The Ahead Journal: A Review of Inclusive Education & Employment Practices, Issue 12.
Fathi, M. (2020) 'Young Migrants’ Home in Ireland', ViewFinder Magazine (Special Issue on Home). 116:
Edwards, C. (2020) 'The experiences of people with disabilities show we need a new understanding of urban safety', The Conversation, 20 February. 
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2019) ‘Why debates about hate crime need to pay attention to disability’, RTE Brainstorm, 5 December.
Lennon, B. (2018) ‘How bike sharing schemes help transform our cities’, RTÉ Brainstorm, 30 May.
Lennon, B. (2018) ‘How sound helps us to visualise our environment’, RTÉ Brainstorm, 4 July.
Roche, B. (2017) ‘New equality initiative at UCC aims for gender ratio of 60:40’, The Irish Times, 1 February.
Mac Éinrí, P. (2016) ‘Are Ireland’s post-crash emigrants likely to return?’, The Irish Times, 4 July.
Baker, N. (2015) ‘Secular pupils feel left out in Church’s schools’, Irish Examiner, 30 June 2015.
RTE DriveTime, 13th April 2015, Dr Conor O'Mahony discussed the findings of ‘Child care proceedings in the District Court’ project. 

Guidance Documents and Toolkits

Scanlon, M., Hogan, E., Martin, S. and Powell, F. (2024) Youth Volunteering Toolkit: Guidelines for Volunteer Involving Organisations & Volunteer Centres. Report for the Department of Rural and Community Development.
Information Booklet on Jobseeker's Transitional Payment (JST) (2023) In Transit? project teams & One Family.
Harold, G. (2021) Providing Access for Deaf Irish Sign Language Users: Guidance for Public Bodies. Available here
GENOVATE Tools - a set of tools for supporting the implementation of gender equality actions developed through the GENOVATE project.

Conferences & Events

Lotty, M., (August 19, 2024). Integrating Trauma-informed Practices into Irish Child Welfare Practice: Findings from the TARA Project’. Poster presented at the ISPCAN (International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) International Congress, Sweden.
Lotty, M., (2024, May 2). ‘Integrating Trauma-informed Practices in the front-line practice: The TARA (Trauma, Attachment and Resilience into Action) Project: Findings and Learnings’.  [invited keynote speaker] Longford Westmeath CYPSC (Children and Young People s Services Committee) Trauma-informed Care Conference, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.
Lotty, M., Mc Cormack, L., Campbell, N.,  Stanley, D., (2024, March 1) ‘Integrating Trauma-informed Practices to support  Child Welfare Best Practice,’ [Keynote Speaker]. Paper presented NUIG and TUSLA, Child and Family Agency Joint Training Programme, online.
Martin, S. Horgan, D. and Looney, E. (2024) Promoting Equality and Integration for Migrant Children through Parental Involvement in Schools: Findings from the IMMERSE Project. [Oral Presentation], UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre 11th Biennial International Conference, University College Galway, Ireland. June 2024.
Martin, S., Inma Serrano and Eva Bajo Marcos (2024) Migrant Children and Institutional Trust: The role of generational differences and time in host country on children’s trust in societal institutions. [Oral Presentation], 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference, Hybrid/Lisbon. July 2024.
Martin, M. Deirdre Horgan and Jacqui O'Riordan (2024) Insights from IMMERSE Best Practices: Potential and Challenges in supporting integration of migrant children in education in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Racism, Anti-Racism and Forced Displacement Conference, DCU, Dublin. March 2024. 
O’Toole, C., Martin, S. Curtin, M., Hart, J. & Walsh, G. (2023, December). Babbling babies: An evaluation of an early communication and literacy programme for infants: A feasibility study. [Oral Presentation], Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists biennial conference.
O’Toole, C., Martin, S. Curtin, M., Hart, J. & Walsh, G. (2023, September). Measuring the efficacy of an of an early communication and literacy programme for infants: A feasibility pilot study. [Poster Presentation], COMH Futures Research Conference, University College Cork
Walsh, G. Martin, S. Curtin, M., Hart, J. & O’Toole, C., (2023, July). Measuring the efficacy of an early communication and literacy programme for infants: Babbling Babies. [Invited Lectures], World Infant Mental Health Conference, Dublin.
O'Riordan, J. and Daly, F. (2023) How COVID-19 exposed intersectional vulnerability of care workers: the experiences of asylum seekers in Ireland. IMISCOE Annual Conference - Thematic Group on Immigration, Immigrants and the Labour Market in Europe, 5 July 2023.
Edwards, C. and Loughnane, C. (2023) ‘“It’s a perception thing that disabled people can’t give care in any shape or form”: Revealing interdependence and relationality through disabled people’s caregiving practices.’ 6th Transforming Care Conference 2023 ‘Boundaries, Transitions and Crisis Contexts’, Sheffield. 27 June 2023
Loughnane, C. and Edwards, C. (2023) Relational care ethics and the dynamics of participatory research with disabled people during COVID-19, European Sociological Association Conference, Prague, 25 May 2023.
Lotty, M. & O’Donoghue, M. (2023). Putting Resilience back in the headline towards an integrated holistic practice lens for Child and Families Services beyond a trauma centred lens’ Oral paper for the 7th Unity Through Relationship International Annual Conference 2023, Dublin. 7 November
Lotty, M. & Hayes, M., (2023, October 27). ‘Examining Professional Education in Trauma-informed Practice for Child Welfare and Protection Services: The Trauma, Attachment, Resilience into Action (TARA) Project’ Oral Paper accepted for the 9th National Child Protection and Welfare Social Work Conference, University College Cork.
Lotty, M. (2023). ‘Moving from knowing to doing: Supporting Trauma-informed practice in the Irish front-line through TARA (Trauma, Attachment and Resilience into Action).’ Oral paper for the ISPCAN International Congress, Edinburgh. 24 September 
Martin, S. (2023) Migrant Children’s experience of inclusion and integration in schools In Ireland: the importance of the relational, Migration and Societal Change Conference, Utrecht University , 21-JUN-23 - 22-JUN-23.
O'Sullivan, S. (2022) 'IFA Global Cafe: In Conversation with Dr Siobhan O’Sullivan on 'Ageing in Place in Rural Ireland'’, The International Federation on Ageing Global Café Series, 21st  January, 2022. Recording available here
Edwards, C. and Harold, G. (2022) Learning disrupted? Reconfiguring the socio-spatial dynamics of learning spaces for young disabled people during pandemic times. [Oral Presentation], International Medical Geography Symposium 2022, Edinburgh , 19-JUN-22 - 24-JUN-22
Martin, S., Maier, R., Horgan, D. and O’Riordan, J. (2022) IMMERSE children and young people's advisory group: Co-constructors and advisors. [Oral Presentation], Child Migration And Integration. Trends & Challenges, Ljubljana, Slovenia , 02-JUN-22 - 04-JUN-22.
Loughnane, C. (2022) ‘Envisioning a caring democracy through citizen deliberation? Care and Ireland’s Citizens’ Assembly on Gender Equality’, Carework Virtual Symposium: Moving Past Emergency Responses: Care as Essential Infrastructure, 2 March 2022
Horgan, D. O'Riordan, J. Maeir, R. & Martin, S. (2021) Immerse H2020 socio-educational integration of Migrant Children in Education, Research findings from Phase 1 of the study. [Oral Presentation], Society for the History of Children and Youth XI Biennial International Conference, Galway, Ireland , 23-JUN-21 - 25-JUN-21
Horgan, D., Maier, R., O'Riordan, J. and Martin,S. (2021) The role of Education in breaking down borders and building inclusive societies for migrant children. [Oral Presentation], Contemporary Childhood Conference, online , 06-SEP-21 - 09-SEP-21.
Maeir, R. Horgan, D. O'Riordan, J. & Martin, S. (2021) International Migration Research Network Europe. [Oral Presentation], 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Luxembourg (online) , 07-JUL-21 - 09-JUL-21.
O'Sullivan, S., Clarke, C., Buckley, M. and Desmond, E. (2021) ‘The views of older people living in rural areas in Ireland about ageing in place’, 15th Global Conference on Ageing, Toronto, Canada (online), 11 Nov. 2021.
O'Sullivan, S. and Buckley, M. (2021) ‘Rural Ageing in Place’ [Invited Speaker]. Research network event: What is participatory research in the context of older people? Oxford Brookes University, UK (online), 4 February 2021.
O’Mullane, M. (2021), ‘Exploring the Institutional Response to a Gender Equality Programme (Athena SWAN) in Irish Higher Education,’ (Stream # 40 'Gender and Power in Higher Education'). Gender, Work and Organization Virtual Conference, Kent, UK, 2nd July 2021.
O’Mullane, M. (2021) ‘Exploring the Discourses of Actors Working to Institutionalise the Athena SWAN Charter in the Academy’, (part of the panel ‘The Caring University’) Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Virtual Conference, 7th May 2021.
O'Mullane, M. (2021), ‘Maintaining, Challenging or Disrupting the Status Quo? Exploring the Institutional Response to a Gender Equality Programme (Athena SWAN) in one Irish University’, Gender Equality Certification: Lessons Learnt and Future Developments, Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice, Oxford Brookes University, 25th February 2021.
Bolton, R., Edwards, C., Leane, M., O'Suilleabhain, F. and Fennell, C. (2021) 'They’re, you know, their audience': how sexual harassment and violence against women is shaped by solidarities between men. [Oral Presentation], Sociological Association of Ireland 2021 Annual Conference, Online , 07-MAY-21 - 08-MAY-21
Bolton, R., Edwards, C., Leane, M., O'Suilleabhain, F. and Fennell, C. (2021) 'Education, education, education': Young people talk about preventing violence against women in intimate partner relations in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], 4th European Conference on Domestic Violence, Ljubljana, Slovenia , 13-SEP-21 - 15-SEP-21
Edwards, C.and Maxwell, N. (2020) 'Garda Responses to People with Disabilities: Everyday Geographies of Safety and Unsafety', [Invited Oral Presentation], National Disability Authority Conference 2020, Dublin, 21 October 2020.
Maier, R., Horgan, D., O'Riordan, J. and Martin, S. (2020) 'Mapping the Integration of Migrant and Refugee Children: Co-creating Indicators of Integration', Opening Up Education: Options, Obstacles and Opportunities - Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference 2020 (Online), 3-5 September.
Maxwell, N., Connolly, L., Ní Laoire, C. (2019) ‘Gender, precarity and maternity leave in academia – a double/treble vulnerability?’, paper presented at Precarious Work and Gender Inequality in Higher Education: Researching for Change Symposium, University College Cork, 16 May 2019.
Forde, C. (2019) 'Participatory Local Governance in Ireland: Challenges and Issues', Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, 5 September, Wroclaw, Poland.
Gaffney, C., Ní Laoire, C., and Linehan, C. (2019) 'Implementing and integrating gender equality into responsible research and innovation (RRI)', Gender Studies and Research in 2019: Centenary Achievements and Perspectives, Vilnius Lithuania , 21-23 November, 2019.
O'Donovan, Ó. (2019) 'Living Well with the Dead - The pastpresence work of wax moulages', Death, Dying and Disposal. 14th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal, University of Bath, 4-7 September 2019.
Martin, S. and O’Riordan, J. Horgan, D. and Maier, R. (2019) 'IMMERSE: Mapping the Educational Integration of Migrant and Refugee Children in Europe: Co-creating Indicators of Integration', Unpacking the Challenges and Possibilities for Migration Governance - RESPOND Conference, Newham College, University of Cambridge, 17-19 October 2019.
Horgan, D. Martin, S. O’Riordan, J. and Maier, R. (2019) 'Facilitating the voice of migrant children: IMMERSE', Childrens Research Network Annual Conference, Trinity College Dublin , 4 December 2019.
O'Mullane, M. (2019) 'Why are There More Men in Senior Management?' presented as part of the Pint of Science Ireland Festival, Cork, 21st May 2019. Pint of Science is a global initiative which bring researchers into communities to talk about their research to a largely lay audience.
Cullinane, M. and Forde, C. (2018) ‘Community participation in local governance in the Republic of Ireland: between civil society and the state’, Fifty Years of Local Governance Conference, Annual Conference of the International Geographical Union Commission ‘Geography of Governance’, University of Lisbon, 4-5th September 2018. 
Cullinane, M. and Forde, C. (2018) ‘Delivering for democracy? State-led participation and the changing contexts of third sector governance in Ireland’, ISTR 13th International Conference, Free University of Amsterdam, 10-13th July 2018.
Dunphy, N.P. (2018). ‘Accounting for the human factor in the energy transition. Technology innovation: energy and buildings’, World Sustainable Energy Days Conference, Wels, Austria. 28 February - 2 March, 2018.
Dunphy N.P. (2018) Dialogues on power: energy citizen experiences at the interface of the energy transition. EUSEW panel: Learning from experience and involving energy-citizens; ways of improving energy-related policymaking. 7 June, 2018.
Dunphy N.P. (2018) ‘Understanding the human dimension of “energy consumers”’, invited speaker 10th EU Citizens' Energy Forum  Dublin, Ireland. 20-21 September.
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2018) ‘Reframing “vulnerable” identities: disabled people negotiating un/safety in the city’, New Urban Identities: An International Conference of the ‘Cross-Disciplinary Urban Space’ Network, University of Florence, Italy, 19–20 June 2018.
Edwards, C. and Maxwell, N. (2018) ‘Disability, hostility and the relational geographies of un/safety’, Conference of Irish Geographers, Maynooth University, 10 – 12th May 2018.
Kelleher, C. and O’ Loughlin, D. (2018) ‘Who cares? Family value co-creation in healthcare systems’, Frontiers in Service Conference, Austin, Texas, 6-9 Sept., 2018.
Kelleher, C. and O' Loughlin, D. (2018) ‘Blood is thicker than water: Family value co-creation in healthcare service ecosystems’, 15th International Research Conference in Service Management, La Londe les Maures, France, 10-13 June, 2018.
Lynch, H., Moore, A., Edwards, C., & Horgan, L. (2018). ‘Restoration in outdoors: open spaces for play and leisure restoration in urban communities’, Society for the Study of Occupation Annual Conference Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
Lynch, H., Moore. A., Edwards, C. & Horgan, L. (2018) ‘Designing for social inclusion: exploring a Universal Design approach in urban playgrounds’, 9th Child in the City World Conference, Vienna, Austria, 24-26 Sept., 2018.
Lynch, H., Moore, A., Edwards, C., & Horgan, L. (2018) 'Community Parks and Playgrounds: Intergenerational Participation through Universal Design' UDHEIT Conference Dublin, Ireland, , 30 Oct-02 Nov., 2018.
Maxwell, N., Connolly, L. and Ní Laoire, C. (2018) ‘Informality, emotion and gendered career pathways: the hidden toll of maternity leave on female academics and researchers’, Gender Equality in Higher Education International Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 20-22nd August 2018.
Maxwell, N. and Edwards, C. (2018) ‘Spatial legalities of disablist violence and hostility: exploring the case of hate crime in Ireland’CeDR18 Lancaster Disability Studies Conference, Lancaster University, 11–13 Sept 2018.
Ní Laoire, C., Linehan, C., Archibong, U,  Picardi, I. and Udén, M. (2018) ‘Context matters! Context sensitivity in developing gender equality action plans in universities’. Gender Equality in Higher Education International Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 20-22nd August 2018.
Burns, K., Shore, C., O'Mahony, C. and Parkes, A. (2017) ‘The interaction between law and social work’. [Keynote Speaker], Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Child Care Act 1991 – Open Policy Debate, Dublin Castle, 5 September, 2017. 
Coakley, L. and Mac Éinrí, P. (2017) ‘Youth mobilities and migration: case studies from Ireland’, Migration, Diversity and the City, 14th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Rotterdam 28-30th June 2017. 
Dunphy, N.P. & Axon, S. (2017) ‘Exploring the human factor in the energy system’, RGS-IGB Annual International Conference, London, 29 Aug – 1 September 2017. 
Edwards, C. (2017) ‘Geographies of disability, hostility and (un)safety: rethinking safe(r) space in Ireland’, Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference, London, 29 Aug.- 1 Sept. 2017. 
Edwards, C. (2017) ‘Conceptualising geographies of disability, hostility and (un)safety: re-thinking safe(r) space in Ireland’, Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers Annual International Conference, London, 30 Aug. – 1st Sept. 2017.
Edwards, C. (2017) Embodied geographies of (un)safety: disability, hate and the city, Urban Space and the Body Conference, UCC, 9-JUN-17 – 10-JUN-17.
Kelleher, C., O’Sullivan, L., Back, S.A. and O’Mahoney, P. (2017) ‘Post-Caregiving: family carers’ experiences of role and identity transition on cessation of the caring role’, 7th International Carers Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 4-6 Oct. 2017.
Kiely, E. (2017) ‘Children’s bodies in urban spaces and parental “sexualisation of risk anxieties”’, Urban Space and the Body Conference - an International Conference of the Cross-Disciplinary Urban Space Network, University College Cork, 9-10 June 2017.
Kitching, K. (2017) ‘Parents navigating the moral norms of schooling: education (re)production and alternative futures’, European Conference on Educational Research, University College Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-25 Aug. 2017.
O’Connor, R. and Rylands, M., (2017) ‘Rural development in Ireland: an overview of strategies to revitalise rural areas post-Famine period – 2017’, Disruptions and Transgressions: 49th Conference of Irish Geographers, UCC, 4-6 May 2017.


ISS21 Director, Dr Claire Edwards, was awarded the UCC Staff Recognition Award for Leadership, 2020.
The ISS21-affiliated Living Well With The Dead In Contemporary Ireland project was awarded the UCC Research Team of the Year, 2019.
Dr Carol Kelleher received the Early Stage Researcher of the Year Award in 2019. Dr. Kelleher has led several ISS21-affiliated projects and is co-convenor of the CARE21 Research Cluster. 
The ISS21 GENOVATE project received the UCC Research Team of the Year award, 2017.
Niall Dunphy, leader of the ISS21-affiliated ENTRUST consortium, received a UCC Staff Recognition Award for Leadership in 2016.
The UCC Research Team of the Year was awarded to Child Care Proceedings in the District Court (team from ISS21, Applied Social Studies and Law), 2016.
The ISS21-affiliated Émigré research team won the runner-up prize at the UCC-Pfizer Innovation through Teamwork awards, 2014.



Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
