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Earlier ISS21 Projects
- PRECNIGHTS Precarity Amongst Women Migrant Night Workers in Ireland
- Youth Volunteering: building capacity for the future
- Volunteer Recognition: developing questions for the Irish Census
- P4PLAY People, Place, Policy and Practice for Play
- MiEdC&E Migrant Education: Challenges and Exclusion
- IMMERSE - Integration Mapping of Refugee and Migrant Children in Schools and other Experiential Environments in Europe
- PositivMasc - Masculinities and violence against women among young people: identifying discourses and developing strategies for change
- Pathways towards Stable Housing for Parents & Children Exiting Residential Services
- Babbling Babies - Experiences of an Early Communication and Literacy Programme for Infants
- TEENT1D - Teenagers Transitioning to the Self-Management of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D): Exploring Day-to-Day Experiences and Developing Social Supports
- CO-AGE Exploring the potential for development of care co-operatives to support
- Clean Slate - Understanding the Lived Experiences of Persons with Criminal Convictions
- In Transit? Documenting the Lived Experiences of Welfare, Working and Caring for One Parent Families Claiming Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment
- ISL-HEALTH: Towards Ensuring Access Provision to Public Health Services for the Irish Deaf Community
- UCC UNIC Superdiversity Academy
- Socio-Cycle- Exploring the Socio-Cultural Significance of Cycling in an Irish Regional City
- EMNaH- Elderly (non)migrants’ narratives of home: A comparative study of place-making in Ireland & Slovakia
- GendeResearchIreland - Exploring gender equality in Irish higher education: Qualitative case-study research into the response to, and process of, Athena SWAN
- AgeACTED - Ageism Challenged Through EthnoDrama
- Housing and Sustaining Communities on the West Cork Islands
- Building Transnational Research Synergies: Participatory Governance for Inclusive Societies
- RIFNET: Reconstituting the Irish Family Research Network
- ENERGISE: Enhancing the Transition to Energy Citizenship
- Learning Disrupted: Young people with disabilities' access to and experience of learning & workplace-based training during COVID-19
- EMBRACE - Exploring Mobility: Borders Refugees & Challenging Exclusion
- Inclusive Voluntering
- Access, Participation, Achievement & Progression in FET
- AAPRI - Agency and Ageing in Place in Rural Ireland
- MusConYP - Music Consumption and Young People’s Negotiation of Space in Direct Provision: An A/r/tographic Inquiry
- Socioeconomic Impact of Cork Northwest Regenerarion Programme
- CARERENGAGE - Centering & Embedding Family Carers in the Co-Production of Carer Research, Supports & Policy
- Guidance for Public Bodies on Providing Access for Deaf Irish Sign Language Users
- RRING - Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally
- Strengthening Rural and Urban Volunteering
- PEACH - Physical, Emotional, Active, Cognitive Health Project
- Caring for Family Members with Dementia
- Disability and the Creation of SAFE(R)SPACE
- A Critical Evaluation of the Implications of Participatory Governance
- Evaluation of Mobile Garda Youth Diversion Projects
- Living Well With The Dead In Contemporary Ireland
- Community parks and playgrounds: inter-generational participation through Universal Design
- Fathers and Shared Parenting
- Impact of Local Government Reform
- Post-Caregiving
- Transnational Commuting
- Voice, Identity and Participation: Connecting, challenging and transforming practices in schools
- Migration and Networks of Care
- Age, Income and Food
- Knowledge, Innovation, Society and Space
- Effects of transnational child-raising arrangements on life-chances of children, migrant parents and caregivers between Africa and Europe (TRCAfEu)
- Through the Glass Ceiling: Career Progression Programme and Strategy (CPPS) for Female Academics and Researchers
- Young People as Social Actors: An examination of young people’s perspectives on the impact of participation in DCYA initiatives
- Migrant Domestic Workers and Migration Law Regimes in the EU: exploring the limits of human rights protections
- Making Communion: Disappearing and Emerging Forms of Childhood in Ireland's Schools, Homes and Communities
- Emigration and Return: profiling today's generation of emigrants and their propensity to return
- Children and Housing Estate Regeneration: Unheard Voices
- The Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Children in Ireland, An Exploratory Study
- Irish Child Abuse Inquiries in Social and Cultural Context: a report on reports.
- Changing Landscape of Local and Community Development
- Seen and not heard? The lived realities of children and young people’s participation in Ireland in their homes, schools and communities
- Re-imagining Initial Teacher Identity and Learning
- Examination of the structure of volunteer-led youth work in Ireland and the factors affecting volunteering
- Civil Society, Youth and Youth Policy