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Access, Participation, Achievement & Progression in FET
Aims and Objectives
This engaged research project brings together an interdisciplinary team to develop a critical analysis of current discourse relating to access, participation, achievement and progression in Further Education and Training; particularly relating to those most distant to formal education. Its aim is to delineate a coherent pedagogical and philosophical approach to underpin the FET sector, and identify related evidenced examples of practice and policy recommendations.
The project is conducted in partnership with SOLAS, the Irish Government State Agency for Further Education and Training. SOLAS's mission is to fund, coordinate, and monitor Further Education and Training provision in Ireland; and its vision is to create a sector that delivers quality education, training and skills to enable learners to succeed in the labour market and society. ​​​As the lead authority for Further Education and Training in Ireland, SOLAS is committed to research that will facilitate the development and review of policies and practice across the sector.
Funding and Project Dates:
Funded by SOLAS,
the project runs from October 2019 - October. 2021.
Project Team
Professor Fred Powell (PI), Dr Martin Galvin, Dr Stephen O'Brien and Dr. Tim Rudd.