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Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally
RRING (www.rring.eu), a H2020 consortium project, coordinated by University College Cork, sought to promote mutual learning and collaboration in responsible research and innovation (RRI). At UCC, RRING was hosted by MaREI (Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland) with ISS21 (Institute for Social Sciences in the 21st Century) as a contributing partner.
The overall project aim was to bring RRI into the linked up global world to promote mutual learning and collaboration in RRI. This was achieved by the formation of the global RRING community network and by the development and mobilisation of a global Open Access RRI knowledge base. RRING aligns RRI to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a global common denominator.
The RRING project acknowledges that each region of the world is advancing its own agenda on RRI. Therefore, RRING will not be producing a Global RRI framework or strategy that is meant to be enforced in a top-down manner. Rather, increased coherence and convergence will be achieved via a bottom-up approach, learning from best practices in RRI globally and from linkages, via the new RRING community, to develop the RRI linked-up world.
ISS21 Contribution:
ISS21 contributed gender expertise to the RRING project, in particular in relation to Task 1.8 - development of gender, equality and diversity protocols and training.
ISS21-RRING Team: Dr Christine Gaffney (Research Officer), Dr Caitríona Ní Laoire (School of Applied Social Studies), Prof. Carol Linehan (School of Applied Psychology), Ms. Nicola Maxwell (School of Applied Social Studies).
Project output:
The RRING Gender Protocol offers a brief guide to gender equality as a both a key of RRI and as a tool to enhance research processes and outcomes in the RRING project itself, as well as providing a selection of further reading and toolkits to assist in implementation. View/download the RRING Gender Protocol.
Project Funder and Duration:
This project has been funded under Horizon 2020 (Swafs14 2017) and ran from 2018 - 2021.
ISS21 RRING Team: Dr. Caitríona Ní Laoire (c.nilaoire@ucc.ie)
RRING Project Coordinator: Dr Gordon Dalton, MaREI, (g.dalton@ucc.ie)