Profiling for Success

UCC Careers Services has invested in online psychometric questionnaires to enhance your self-awareness and will help you to plan your career and make good career decisions.

The range of online assessments, entitled called Profiling for Success, will provide you with a confidential, personal report of your career interests, personality, motivation, learning style and emotional intelligence. You can choose to take one, more or all of the assessments, as you wish, which includes the following:

Career Interest Inventory:
Not sure what do with your life? Interests are the most natural starting point when exploring the world of work. The Careers Interest Inventory will provide you a report that reveals the kind of roles that you will see as being exciting, challenging and fun. It will also connect you with a wealth of information on those careers.

Values-Based Indicator of Motivation

What truly motivates you? What drives you to go above and beyond the call of duty? What would you stand up for? What you want from yourself, others and society is very important in to your career development. We are more likely to thrive when engaged in work that aligns with our core values. This innovative report will provide you with a detailed map of your motivations and reveal which values are more or less important than you realise. 

Type Dynamics Inventory:
Your personality and personal preferences have a huge impact on your career choices and the likelihood that you will enjoy particular roles or working environments. It is also very useful for you to be able to describe your personality to employers, who value self-awareness and a diversity of personality types.

Learning Styles Indicator:

How do you learn best? Do you enjoy abstract theory? Or prefer practical problem solving? Do you prefer activity to personal reflection? The Learning Styles Indicator explores how our underlying preferences affect the way we think, learn and communicate. This report will help you to understand your natural learning preference, value the contributions of those with different styles, and identify what you need to become a more complete learner. 


