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News Archive 2021

Congratulations to the MSc Human Anatomy Class 2021

23 Sep 2021
MSc Human Anatomy 2020/2021 class with Dr Muthaira Lone and Professor Gerard O'Keeffe

Professor Gerard O’Keeffe and Dr Mutahira Lone wish to congratulate the MSc Human Anatomy Class of 2021 who recently presented their research projects and have successfully completed their MSc degrees in Human Anatomy. 

The Covid-19 pandemic did not deter the MSc Human Anatomy Class of 2021 from continuing their studies and successfully completing their MSc Human Anatomy degrees. Socially distancing themselves from each other and staff during the Covid-19 restrictions, the MSc students successfully completed all of the practical aspects of the degree programme in person under the guidance and direction of MSc Human Anatomy course director Professor Gerard O'Keeffe and course coordinator Dr Mutahira Lone.

Special thanks to Professor Peter Dockery, Professor of Anatomy in NUIG, external examiner to the MSc Human Anatomy degree who also provided invaluable support to the programme.

The staff of the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience wish all of the MSc 2021 class every good wish for their future endeavours, and look forward to their graduation ceremony in Autumn 2021

The MSc Human Anatomy is full time 12 month student centered course, with a large dissection component, lectures, practicals, tutorials, seminars and technology enhanced learning. Open to graduates of medicine, dentistry, clinical therapies, nursing, sciences, engineering and other fields interested in adding a postgraduate qualification in human anatomy to their skills base.

Now entering its fifth year, this very popular MSc has received extremely positive feedback from its graduates.

If you wish to find out more about the course please contact Dr Mutahira Lone or Professor Gerard O'Keeffe, Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, University College Cork


Details: Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience Website

Graduate Studies: MSc Human Anatomy

Photographs B Riedewald


For more on this story contact:

News item and photographs B. Riedewald

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
