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The Broken Puppet: Symposium on Puppetry, Disability & Health
The UNIMA Research Commission with Cork Puppetry Festival, Drama and Theatre Studies - UCC, and Mary Immaculate College, is delighted to announce a two-day symposium exploring the ways puppetry intersects with disability and health.
The UNIMA Research Commission and The Cork Puppetry Festival
in conjunction with
Drama and Theatre Studies Department, UCC, University College Cork (Cork, Ireland)
Department of Drama & Theatre Studies, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick(Limerick, Ireland)
The Broken Puppet: A Symposium on Puppetry, Disability, and Health
1st and 2nd of August 2017
“The emergence of a disability culture is difficult but tremendously liberating. Such a culture enables us to recognize the pressure to pretend to be normal for the oppressive and impossible-to-achieve hurdle which it is. Most importantly, this culture challenges our own prejudices about ourselves, as well as those of the non-disabled culture.”
- Jenny Morris
“The object offers itself to the individual as an extension of his being in the surrounding universe, and augmented affirmation of his total existence.”
- Roger Daniel Bensky
More info at https//corkpuppetryfestival.com
Tuesday August 1st 2017
12.30 Registration
1.15 Welcome and introduction (Cariad Astles)
1.35 Keynote: Dr Melissa Trimingham: Puppetry and autism
Wellbeing Panel 2:25 – 5:30
Wednesday August 2nd
9.00 Registration
9.30 Keynote: Dr Persephone Sextou: Puppetry in hospitals, clinics and healthcare settings
Disability Panel 10.35 -12.00
Hospitals and Care Settings Panel 1.10 – 3.00
Mental Health Panel 3.25 - 5.30
For more on this story contact:
Emma Fisher beyondthebarktheatre@gmail.com
Fionn Woodhouse fionn.woodhouse@ucc.ie