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Scholarships and Funding

Scholarships and Funding

Graduate researchers need time to carry out their research, to write, and to attend courses and seminars, but must also find a way to pay tuition fees and living costs. The Department encourages each graduate student to identify and to apply to appropriate funding schemes. When drafting funding proposals, students should consult their (intended) adviser and may also approach the Department Graduate Studies Committee and the Department Research Officer. Some starting points are listed below.

Government of Ireland Scholarships

The most important annual national scheme is the Government of Ireland Research Scholarship scheme, administered by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences. The closing date varies from year to year, but it is generally in mid-January. It‘s a good idea to draft your proposal in consultation with your (intended) adviser, and to start this process as early as possible. Under this scheme your adviser is expected to be thoroughly involved in helping you to prepare your application and proposal.

US Student Fulbright Awards

The Fulbright Commission makes 3-5 awards a year to US students planning to study in Ireland for one year or more.

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