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Postgraduate Study

Postgraduate Study

Theatre Postgraduate Options

We offer a range of postgraduate degrees from taught programmes to research degrees including:

  • Both a HDip and an MA in Theatre and Performative Practices
  • MA in Arts Management and Creative Producing
  • MRes degree and PhD/MPhil degrees by research with a focus on Research by Practice.  

MA in Theatre & Performative Practices 2021 - 22 Theme = Activism 

This year's Theme for MA TPP is Activism. If you want to work in an environment where unique difference is celebrated; where non-mainstream performance practices and theatrical languages are explored; and where you can chart and navigate territories of how difference in identity can be used to engage, challenge, and stimulate response, reflection and social debate, this is the year for you! More info


For information on MA in Arts Management & Creative Producing 2021-2022 See  


Research Degree Options

Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Doctor of Philosophy - Drama and Theatre Studies

Student performing a devised piece of theatre

The MPhil / PhD Track / PhD in Drama & Theatre Studies comprise the advanced graduate education within the Department of Theatre. Students engage with MPhil and doctoral research either through scholarly practice (resulting in a written dissertation) or through practice-based research (which combines a major/minor element of theatre, dance, or performance practice/process, with a shorter written dissertation). The Department of Theatre at UCC offers supervisory expertise in a wide range of subject areas, including contemporary Irish theatre, contemporary German theatre, adaptation and translation of theatre and performance, contemporary performance practices, theories and practices of embodiment (including dance), critical theory and theatre/performance, radio and performance, and performative teaching and learning.

Doctor of Philosophy - Creative Practice (PhD)

The new PhD in Creative Practice is a practice-based doctoral programme for emerging and professional artists, whose work moves across multiple arts disciplines. These might, for example, be practice as research projects in dance and film; theatre and visual arts; music and digital arts; somatics, and creative writing. They might be projects which investigate creative practice in relation to science, or within education, or communities. We expect these PhD projects to be innovative in form as well as content, and students will be supported to develop structures and weightings between different elements of their doctoral study, as well as develop new forms to meet the multi-disciplinary reach of their work. In all iterations of the PhD, original creative practice combines with critical reading and reflection. This programme is currently anchored in the Department of Theatre.

Theatre students in a circle learning

Postgraduate Application Process

Step 1: Information Discussion with HoD or staff member

Before formal application is made, candidates should initiate discussions with the Head of the Department of Theatre or with a staff member with whom they wish to pursue research. For details on staff research profiles and contact details see Staff Pages.

Step 2: Decide the most applicable route

Through this informal contact, applicants may get a clearer idea of the range of the different PhD routes and nature of potential research projects that might be considered.

Step 3: Formal Application

Once the informal contacts have developed to a point where a definite research proposal is emerging, the formal application process may be initiated. Intending students can also go directly to the formal process.

The Formal application is online through UCC's application system.

Course codes are

CKF67 M Phil – Drama and Theatre Studies

CKF68 M Phil – Drama and Theatre Studies (Part-Time)

CKG67 PhD (Track) – Drama and Theatre Studies

CKG68 PhD (Track) – Drama and Theatre Studies (Part-Time)

CKH72 PhD (Arts) – Drama and Theatre Studies

CKH73 PhD (Arts) – Drama and Theatre Studies (Part-Time)

CKV43 PhD - Creative Practice (Full-Time)

CKV44 PhD - Creative Practice (Part-Time)

CKV45 PhD (Track) - Creative Practice (Full-Time)

CKV46 PhD (Track) - Creative Practice (Part-Time)

Additional Information for Postgraduate Application

Applicants will be required formally to submit a 1,500-word research proposal and any necessary supporting documentation when applying through the PAC. This proposal will be developed through your contact with a staff member.

PhD track is a provisional PhD registration. This process is formal and rigorous and depends on the applicant reaching an appropriate stage in completed research. Under certain conditions it may be possible for a student to register directly for PhD.

Under the new MPhil/PhD Creative Practice programme, the Department of Theatre is interested in proposals for practice-based research projects as well as the more traditional library-based and archival research.

In the case of practice-based PhD work in Drama & Theatre Studies, the PhD work for assessment will consist of a substantial portfolio of practice and an extensive critical commentary.

While both the practical elements and the associated critical commentary will need to reach the appropriate standard, the degree will be awarded or withheld on the basis of the work as a totality. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the Department and its work, proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries will also be given careful consideration, see staff profiles for further details.

Study for a PhD or MPhil - Research Specialisms

Contemporary Theatres Theories & Practices of Embodiment Performative Teaching & Learning Critical Theory Practices
Irish theatre Choreography Applied Theatre Performance Studies Theatre Producing
German theatre Dance Educational Drama Performative Writing Casting
Post-dramatic & Experimental Theatre Physical Theatre Youth Theatre Practice Affect Studies Devising
Performance Theory & Dramatic Literature Somatic Practices Drama participation impact Intermediality Dramaturgy
Theory and Practice of Adaptation Corporeality   Visual Culture Practice-as-Research
Live Art  Movement   Feminist Theory & Praxis Psychophysical performance
  Voice and extended voice    Gender & Sexuality Broadcast and experimental radio
  Queer bodies & LGBTI+ Issues    Critical Pedagogy Queered Performance 
      Performance and Disability   


Department of Theatre

Roinn na hAmharclannaíochta

Muskerry Villas, Western Road, Cork City T12 AW97
