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Facilities Doctoral School




Facilities and other information

Auditorium (B10.B)

Kane Building, Basement

Large 80 seater auditorium with HD Projection System and 9.1 Cinema surround sound.

Besides screening films, the room is used for hosting masterclasses and lectures as well as a practice area and seminar studio.

Editing Lab 1 (B10.E)

Kane Building, Basement

An Apple Authorised Training Centre for Education, the room is equipped with 16 Apple iMac computers and a projector and speaker system for teaching and training.

All computers in the Department come with a full range of filmmaking applications including Final Cut Pro X;  Logic Pro X, Fade-in, and Da Vinci Resolve.

Editing Lab 2 (B10.C)

Kane Building, Basement

Lab is equipped with 18 Apple iMac computers including one audio workstation.

Kane Office, Equipment Store (B10.D)

Kane Building, Basement

The Department provides a wide range of professional filmmaking equipment from Canon cameras to wireless audio recording devices.

Additional equipment includes studio and location lighting, a gimbal, jib, greenscreen and other various apparatus.





Facilities and other information

O’Riada Hall

Music Building, Basement

This is a large recital and rehearsal room in the basement area that is also used as a lecture hall space.

Pauline Oliveros Sound Studio

Music Building, Second floor

POSS is made up of a live room with vocal booth and a control room. The former is equipped with a piano, drum kit, digital keyboard and extensive facilities for other instruments and voices. The control room has 5.1 and stereo nearfield monitoring, 16 channel analog desk and outboards, including WARM compressors.

Piano Lab

Music Building, Second floor

The Piano Lab is located on the second floor. It contains 10 digital pianos plus a teaching station.

Computer Lab

Music Building, Ground floor G.10

The computer lab is located on the ground floor. The 12 workstations offer browsing, word processing and audio software and hardware. 

Practice Rooms

Music Building,
Ground floor: G2, G3, and G12
Second floor: S1-S4, S7

Practice Rooms are located throughout the building. Room bookings are currently made using the booking sheet located on the door of each practice room. Practice rooms may be booked for a maximum of two hours per day. 

Gamelan Room

Music Building, Basement

This is a large rehearsal room in the basement area that is specifically meant for gamelan rehearsal and performance.

Student Common Room


Music Building, Ground floor

A student common room located on the Ground Floor of the Music Building has been provided for your use. It is equipped with a refrigerator, microwave, kettle, and sink.


Music Building


Lockers are located throughout the Music Building. Lockers are available to hire through the main departmental office (F6), first floor, Music Building upon payment of a €10.00 deposit which is refundable on return of locker key at the end of the academic year.




Facilities and other information

The Theatre Lab (S4)

Connolly Building, 1st floor, stairs access

Large studio space, large windows with black-out blinds.

Computer and projector.

Basic lighting rig with dimmable power, a selection of rigged lanterns and a basic manual control desk.

Storage room accessed with a key with a sink, kettle, yoga mats and equipment.

The Granary Studio

Above the Granary Theatre, stairs access through the Theatre building or within the Connolly Building

Large studio space with large windows.

Marley dance floor.

Conn B

Ground floor, Connolly Building

Classroom with desks.

Semi-spring floor, possible to move desks to use space.

Projector and computer.

Larger storage room accessed with a key that is the main costume and prop store for the Theatre Department with an assortment of weird and wonderful things.

Conn A

Ground floor, Connolly Building

Multi-purpose (studio or classroom with chairs).

Floor suitable for movement sessions.

Projector and computer.


Seminar Room

Ground floor, Muskerry Villas

Large meeting table and chairs.

Computer Room

Ground floor, Connolly Building

Computers for student use.

Printer and photocopying for student use with student card.

IT support for Computer Labs:


Located throughout the Connolly complex

Classrooms with computer and projector.

Tables and chairs can be moved around.

Distillery House

Located across the bridge from Mercy Hospital on North Mall Campus

Classrooms here are generally in less demand in the evenings than those in the Connolly Complex.

Classrooms with table and chairs.

Computers and projectors.

Study Facilities

The Graduate School of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences has two dedicated facilities reserved for postgraduate students:

  • The Berkeley Centre is for all Masters and PhD students. It's a quiet room in the basement of the Boole library with desks available on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • The Wandesford Quay Research Facility is available to all CACSSS PhD and MPhil students. It is located on Wandesford Quay with 25 hot-desks available on a first-come-first-served basis. There are also a limited number of secure lockers available. Access to Wandesford Quay is via student card from 8am – 10pm seven days a week (pre-registration required).

Details on access to these facilities can be found [here] - Study Facilities | University College Cork (


UCC’s Library includes extensive online materials and publications as well as the Cork Open Research Archive.  The resources of other university libraries can be accessed through inter library loaning.  Library rooms may be booked an hour at a time for group study or writing sessions. The library also has regular Endnote training and conducts regular Library tutorials.

IT Services

UCC has a dedicated website for Student IT Services in UCC with the most up-to-date information for all online and IT related services.

Campus Map

The campus map is available here.


FMT Doctoral School

Scoil Dhochtúireachta FMT

Dr. Alexander Khalil
