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FOCUS: Forum on Film and Screen Media Theories
FOCUS is a permanent forum of scholars, research students, postdoctoral researchers, visiting fellows and guest speakers in the Department of Film and Screen Media at University College Cork.
FOCUS supports the study and development of critical, theoretical and methodological approaches to film and new media texts, genres and formats. It is a space for dialogical reflection where the moving image is considered all at once in its specificity and in relation to broad interdisciplinary discourses. FOCUS seeks to participate in and respond to current debates, and to produce original ideas and approaches.
FOCUS is inclusive and generative. It supports the individual researcher’s development within a dynamic group ecology. It coordinates regular theory reading sessions, organizes research events, and creates opportunities for interdisciplinary and intercultural debate.
FOCUS Convenor: Dr Barry Monahan, Department of Film and Screen Media
FOCUS Deputy: Sandra Costello, PhD candidate, Department of Film and Screen Media
Core members:
Oliver Rath
Tommaso Verga
FOCUS Events
Uncertainty: Ecological and Epistemological Challenges on Screen
A FOCUS and Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media Symposium
Friday 21 October 2022 – Online
Organisers: FOCUS; Michael Holly; Sandra Costello
Spakers: Prof. Alenda Y. Chang, Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Dr Paolo Saporito, Government of Ireland-IRC Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Film and Screen Media, University College Cork; Rachel Gough, Film and Screen Media PhD candidate at University College Cork.
Website: https://www.ucc.ie/en/fmt/film/research/focussymposium/