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Current Students
Student Insights

The Department of Theatre is excited to announce that students are taking over.
We are launching an new initative: Student Insights.
See what we see, hear what we hear, feel what we feel.
The Student Insights initative means that each week students will be provided with a platform to showcase the work they have been developing, discuss what they are learning throughout their degree course or just give insights into the world of a theatre student in UCC.
There are many exciting and engaging things happening in the Department of Theatre and now we are making sure that the world knows about it.
And, what better way to portray what we do in the Department of Theatre, then to get those who are the lifeblood of the department tell their stories.
Each word comes from a place of authenticity and each entry is unique and true.
Keep an eye out each week for these Student Insights.
For more on this story contact:
Follow these experience on social media:
Facebook: @TheatreUCC
Twitter: @TheatreUCC
Instagram: @theatreUCC and @theatre_of_the_image_ucc
For more details on the course see, Theatre and Performantive Practices
Contact aisling.reardon@ucc.ie for information on Student Insights