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Clarence Brown Festival 2023 - Keynote Speaker Dr. Gwenda Young

In August, Gwenda Young was the invited keynote guest at the Clarence Brown Film Festival in Knoxville, Tennessee.
This unique Festival, which was organised by the Knox Public Library in association with the East Tennessee Historical Center, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and the Clarence Brown theatre, was a year in the making and Gwenda helped to curate the programme of seven Clarence Brown films, presented in the grounds of the University, at the Central Cinema, and at the spectacular historic Tennessee Theatre. Gwenda delivered the Keynote address, participated in discussion panels, and conducted a live interview with Oscar-winning actor Claude Jarman Jr.
Gwenda is the author of Clarence Brown: Hollywood's Forgotten Director (published by UP Kentucky in 2018 and recently released as a paperback).
You can check out highlights of the Festival and an interview with Gwenda on NBC news below:
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