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News Archive 2023

World Anatomy Day 2023 celebrated by Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience

16 Oct 2023
UCC World Anatomy Day 2023 Photo: front row from left: Dr Sue Grenham, Professor Aideen Sullivan, Head of Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, Dr Mutahira Lone, event organiser and Director MSc Human Anatomy and Ms Ashley Benge FLAME laboratory.

World Anatomy Day 2023 was celebrated in UCC's Western Gateway Building on Friday 13th October at an event organised by Dr Mutahira Lone, Ms Ashley Benge and Dr André Toulouse and staff and students of the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience.

At a fun engaging and informative anatomy display stand hosted by students from the MSc Human Anatomy programme: Ayesha KhanMelinda Childs, Elsie Coakley, Catherine Daly, Niamh Hennessy, Hannah Lee, Michelle Lehane, and Cameron Nyman, visitors from across the university were welcomed to examine display models, chat with staff and take part in a range of fun activities and anatomy quizzes.

Photo: (centre): Dr Mutahira Lone, Director of MSc Human Anatomy with (from left) MSc Human Anatomy students: Elsie Coakley, Michelle Lehane, Melinda Childs and Katie Daly. Colourful anatomy themed cakes and sweets baked by staff and students from the FLAME laboratory were shared. Second year dental students Jose Monagas, and Giacomo Passarelli circulated among the crowd with the large blue Dino Dentino to show visitors correct brushing and flossing techniques. 

Dr Mutahira Lone, Director MSc Human Anatomy and event organiser said that she was 'delighted to welcome so many interested visitors to the stand' and said that 'celebrating World Anatomy Day reminds us that the human body is a remarkable testament to the intricate design of nature, and the study of anatomy is our key to unlocking its mysteries and improving healthcare for all.

Photo: Dr Mutahira Lone with second year dental students Jose Monagas and Giacomo Passarelli, and Dino Dentino

October 15th is World Anatomy Day, declared by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) to honour the birth of Andreas Vesalius, a Belgium physician and author who lived in the 16th century. He is considered the founder of modern human anatomy as he published the De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem (Seven Books on the Fabric of the Human Body), known as the Fabrica. It is the first accurate published book on human anatomy. The theme of 2023 World Anatomy Day 2023 is 'teaching diversity in the dissection laboratory'. 


Photo: MSc Human Anatomy students welcome visitors to UCC World Anatomy Day activity stand

Dr Mutahira Lone, Director of MSc Human Anatomy, said that she was 'delighted to be joined at World Anatomy day by students from the MSc Human Anatomy, who have recently commenced their 12 month full time taught MSc Human Anatomy studies in the department.

The MSc Human Anatomy is a full time 12 month student centered course which is now in its 6th year, and has received extremely positive feedback from its graduates.  The MSc Human Anatomy has in its alumni graduates of medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, science, engineering, and other fields, all with an interested in combining a postgraduate qualification in human anatomy with their skills base. The course has a large dissection component which will provide participants with an exceptional opportunity to develop their dissection and anatomical knowledge in the FLAME laboratory, the Department's state of the art human anatomy research laboratory.

If you wish to find out more about the MSc degree in Human Anatomy, please contact Dr Mutahira Lone, Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, University College Cork. email:  


More information: 


Study Anatomy at UCC


For more on this story contact:

News story and photographs: Bereniece Riedewald

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
