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News Archive 2023

UCC Medical Research and Technology Society & UCC Translational Medicine Society hosted their second Life Sciences Careers Fair

31 Mar 2023
Dr Louise Collins, Course Coordinator BSc Medical and Health Sciences with Career Fair organisers; Seán O'Flaherty, Mark Leahy and Brian Curtin

Congratulations to the UCC Medical Research and Technology Society and the UCC Translational Medicine Society who together successfully hosted UCC’s second Life Sciences Careers Fair

The Life Sciences Careers Fair which was held in the Devere Hall UCC on 21st March 2023, successfully fulfilled its aims to connect students from the College of Medicine and Health and College of Science Engineering and Food Science with leading pharmaceutical, medical technology companies, UCC’s research institutions and UCC academic departments, to discuss graduate opportunities.

The organisers welcomed representatives from pharmaceutical, medical technology companies, Research centres, Academics from UCC departments offering postgraduate research opportunities were also in attendance

There was a very positive response from both students and invited industry and research representatives. In excess of three hundred students from science and health-related disciplines visited the fair. Students embraced the opportunity to chat directly to industry and research personnel and to explore the options available to them in industry and academic career pathways.

Society of Translational Medicine Careers Fair 2023

For more on this story contact:

Photographs and news item Bereniece Riedewald

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
