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Hospital Professional News invite O'Mahony and Cuozzo article submission.

4 Oct 2024
Dr Siobhain O'Mahony and Dr Mariarosaria Cuozzo

Dr Siobhain O'Mahony and Dr Mariarosaria Cuozzo, were invited by the Hospital Professional News Ireland Journal, to contribute an article to their October issue which focused on Women's Health.

Currently Dr O'Mahony and Dr Cuozzo are working together to develop scientifically backed and clinically validated interventions to improve health for women at different stages of life.

Dr O'Mahony has worked for over 20 years in the area of the gut microbiome and applies this knowledge and experience to focus on the unique challenges and complexities of women's health, in the context of the role of the microbiome in influencing pain and overall well-being. 

In the submitted article 'The role of the Microbiome-Gut Brain Zxis in Women's Health and Pain', Dr O'Mahony describes the lack of research in women's health, despite being disproportionally represented in health conditions such as chronic pain. She discussed the recent research including her own (Caputi et al., 2022) where she highlighted the differences in the gut microbiome between healthy men and women and how it plays a role in differential pain perception. Therefore, if the microbiome is involved in pain conditions then sex-specific microbial-targeted strategies to reduce pain are needed states Dr O'Mahony.

Dr O'Mahony's research group is to helping shape the future of women's health to improve outcomes for pain management but also other conditions affecting women's overall health. 




For more on this story contact:

News item and photograph Bereniece Riedewald

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
