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Applications now being accepted for 'Anatomy and Neuroscience for Transition Year Students 2025' two day course.

29 Nov 2024

The Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience is delighted to welcome applications for the forthcoming Anatomy and Neuroscience for Transition Year students two day course which will take place on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th May 2025.

This two-day course will explore the structure and function of the human body at multiple levels. Normal structure and function will be presented as a starting point, and the effects of different factors (including disease, lifestyle habits such as alcohol use and smoking, etc) on these structures will then be examined and discussed. 

Delivery of course material will include tutorials, small group learning, and dissection-based learning. Laboratory sessions will primarily focus on demonstrating gross anatomy. Students will also gain some research laboratory experience, and have the opportunity to observe neuroscience researchers at work. Students will also view cellular anatomy (histology) using microscopes.

The course will also include a short careers workshop, with lightning talks from staff and postgraduate students, who will discuss the varied and interesting paths to their current roles in medicine and the biological sciences.

UPDATE 15th January 2025.

Thank you to all those TY students that applied. We have now filled all places and will not be able to accept any further applications for the 2024 TY Course.


For any queries please email Dr Sue Grenham at


Dr Sue Grenham, 

Room 3.56 Western Gateway Building,

University College Cork,

Western Road,


Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
