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Anatomy and Neuroscience at the 2016 School of Medicine awards Ceremony

5 Dec 2016
Professor John Cryan presenting 'The MacConaill Prize' and 'The MacConaill Prize in Clinical Anatomy' to Ms Wanji Kee

Congratulations to Ms Wanji Kee who was presented with 'The MacConaill Prize' and 'The MacConaill Prize in Clinical Anatomy' by Professor John Cryan at the annual School of Medicine Prize-Giving Ceremony on Friday 25 November, 2016.

The MacConaill Prize and the MacConaill Prize in Clinical Anatomy are two awards which the family of the late Professor Michael A. MacConaill created to perpetuate the memory of Michael A. MacConaill, Professor of Anatomy in University College Cork 1942-1973. Open to competition from second year registered medical students the awards are awarded when high merit has been shown, this year Ms Wanji Kee was presented with both prizes, a first in the history of the awards.

Now in its second year the 'The Pamela Gilligan Prize' was awarded to Ms Emily Rutherford by Ms Pamela Brice, daughter of Dr Pamela Gilligan.  The award in memory of Dr Pamela Gilligan, Lecturer in the Department of Anatomy 1971-1998, remembers her lifelong passion for medicine and teaching and the firm belief in the importance of education.  'The Pamela Gilligan Prize' is awarded each year to the best final year medicine project.

‌Ms Pamela Brice presenting 'The Pamela Gilligan Prize' to Dr Emily Rutherford

The Dean of the School, Professor Mary Horgan, welcomed the large number of prize-winners, their families and friends and School of Medicine colleagues to the event which took place in the Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, a special day in the School of Medicine calendar.

Link To School of Medicine for more

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
