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News 2024
Stargazers to descend on UCC for largest astronomical conference ever held in Ireland
Stargazers from across the world will descend on Cork next year for will be the largest Astronomical conference ever held in Ireland. The European Astronomical Society (EAS) Meeting, scheduled in UCC for 23-27 June 2025, will inject up to €2.8 million into the local economy with 1,200-1,400 hotel rooms booked across the city.
UCC is the home to the Crawford Observatory, one of Ireland's oldest observatories and today the university has one of Ireland's leading schools of physics and astronomy.
Now the EAS, which organises Europe’s largest gathering of astronomers, has recognized UCC’s contribution to Astronomy by choosing Cork as the local for their annual meeting, which typically attracts over 1,500 participants.
The EAS, which promotes and advances the science of astronomy in Europe, has over 5,000 members, making it the biggest professional astronomers’ organisation in Europe.
The Cork Convention Bureau estimates the conference could inject up to €2.8 million into the local economy with 1,200-1,400 hotel rooms booked across the city. Additionally, several public astronomy events are planned throughout the week.
These meetings provide a platform for astronomers to discuss the latest discoveries and research, assess progress in developing world-leading European astronomical facilities, and honour distinguished researchers with some of the most prestigious prizes in European astronomy.
At the conclusion of EAS 2024 in Padua, Italy, a ceremony was held to celebrate Cork and UCC as the location for the next meeting which will take place on 23-27 June 2025.
Professor Paul Callanan, Head, School of Physics, UCC said:
“We are very excited to be hosting this event, Europe’s premier astronomical meeting, which will put UCC, Cork and Ireland very much at the heart of European astronomy for a week in June 2025”.
Evelyn O’Sullivan, Manager Cork Convention Bureau, said:
“Cork Convention Bureau and Failte Ireland are thrilled to have supported the bid to secure EAS for UCC and Cork. We look forward to being involved in the planning of an impressive programme that will ensure the conference has a positive impact and leaves a strong legacy amongst astronomical society delegates for years to come.”